Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good bye 2011, Hello 2012

I send you love.

I have never before truly looked forward to a New Year, but from my heart, 2012 is one new day which I am sincerely looking forward to.

2011 brought much "business" to The ALM. I was brought away from church ministry in the traditional sense, and private practice was the root of my calling. I have sat in awe of the human spirit and the inner strength which when called upon, trusted and allowed shines forth. I have sat in honor of so many souls; you have trusted me and I in turn have trusted God.
You have placed me in your lives in ways I never could have seen possible and when I sit and contemplate Love; I think of you.
I think of your faces, hearts, journeys every day. I think of your lives, your joys, your heart wrenching opening moments and I give thanks.

A beloved told me this year she feels like my office is her church. One on One church.

I think of you, those who I have served at numerous churches, I think of you.
 I send you love.

I think of the strangers who some how get my number.....or the person who says your card popped up on my desk....or the woman who knew so and so or the client who just happened to walk into store to ask directions and met me......or the man who found me on the internet and I ended up talking his son through painful times.......I think of young mothers dying, couples being married, partners finally being able to be 'legal', ......I think of you.
I think of your face lighting up during a class as you remember, I think of the joy you felt when you 'got it', I think of your tears you sobbed in my presence......I think of you.
I think of how I ran into you last week after a while and it felt heart warming and loving. I think of your voice saying thank you. I think of crawling up next to you as we talk about your fears and assuring you, God is here. I think of you.

I think of your faces when at the altar of the service you said "yes", "I do", and embraced in luscious love.

I truly do hold you each in my heart. Even if you have not been an active part of this ministry for years; I remember you. I wonder how you are. I send you love.

I offer you my deepest gratitude for allowing me, little Debbie Evans from North Andover, the honor of being a teeny facet of your journey. Thank you for being such a HUGE part of mine.
To 2012.

with great love & gratitude, Rev Deb

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Divine Perfection of Different

Word Origin & History
c.1450, "wholeness, perfect condition," from O.Fr. integrité, from L. integritatem (nom. integritas) "soundness, wholeness," from integer "whole" (see integer). Sense of "uncorrupted virtue" is from 1548.
I have been in deep thought and ponderness lately. I wonder  about the words integrity and responsibility. I found the above  meaning for the first choice of mind contemplations, and with a sense of understanding I offer it to  you. I love the use of wholeness, from the Latin root whole. As I often call myself on being in integrity with life, clients, my work; I see the perfection of uncorrupted virtue........for when we are not in integrity, as when we are not in alignment with Love; our own wholeness is cracked, fractured, corrupted.
Being honest, the simplicity of such an act, appears to be difficult for some - being honest brings about a vulnerability, doesn't it? What if they really see me? What happens if they really know what I am thinking? Will they like me, will they agree with me? If I say this, this that I am truly feeling and express that I am not in agreement with them......where will I be?  Not being something for the approval and acceptance of another, is truly carving a bit of ourselves away.
Here  is me being honest and vulnerable: "I am so tired of hearing preachers, minsters, clergy say "when you are in Gods house." It is said in  church. I have heard it said as if it's a threat to the congregation; come on, you are in Gods house now, be honest.......Are we NOT ALL-WAYS in Gods house? Isn't our body Gods House? Are we not, every day, no matter where we are in GODS HOUSE? The earth, the universe, the supermarket! Please, know that no matter where you stand, you are in Gods house. The (traditional) misconception of teaching that the church building is Gods house has allowed too many to stray from the fold. It has left a fracture, a place for lack of wholeness and my emotions around this bring my fire up. You come in here and you are in Gods house, you go out there and do what you what. NOT. "
(Okay, that felt good, thank you!)
It seems that we sometimes place the wholeness of ourselves at risk for the acceptance of another human being.  OR do we place our own wholeness at risk because we are self judging and cannot be honest with who we are at that moment? Does it come down to self acceptance, trust in our own feelings, faith in the divine perfection of different?
The emotional attachments of responsibilty can be overwhelming. As all who are in a therapuetic line of work...we know and experience the boundary of this is yours to do, I cannot do it for you. It can be a thin line, a gray line, a wavering line.....but it is always there. Sometimes it takes a microscope to see it. It can take days, hours, painful moments to find it; but it is always there.
Integrity can guide us to where the line of responsibility is - how to find it - how to listen for it. This is not mine, this is yours. I can not do that for you, you have to make the choice to do it or not. I find that when I trust the work, the line comes through so bright and deep I cannot help but see it. When I trust God, all is made clear. I find that when I take me out of the equation, and always remember this is  about them and God, me and God....then I see clealry.
We each can do the same in all aspects of our lives. In a parenting, in being in relationship, in any moment. This is yours, not mine. This is mine, not yours. The basic, basic first lesson a six month old learns when in his/her first play group. Good lesson. Very good lesson.
Kindness, honesty. Integrity, being honest and kind at the same time. Responsibility, taking action through honesty and kindness. Honesty and kindness is a powerful combination. Stand in God. 
When I take a stand, even if another human cannot see the struggle I am standing in; I have to ask for Jesus to guide me, to help me, to take my hand and not let go. I aks for my angels to hold me up. I ask for all the non physical Light filled assistance possible. And then I am brutally honest with myself.
And I ask, because I am fully convinced, I KNOW, that alone, we humans cannot do it. We can't even get up in the morning without Gods help; I do not know how to get my body to breathe, do you? 
Get vulnerable, be yourself, stand in Faith, and allow honesty  combined with integrity to lead you. This is being responsible for God and therefore; for yourself. No one is like you. No one will ever be like you. You are unique, beautiful and amazing. You stand in integrity through faith and all good will come to be your experience. You will stand in wholeness. If you one does not stand in faith of God, the Higher Power; I see fracture, I see pain.  I do not want that for any one. I want for you, what I want for myself. A peace which passes all and any human understanding through a personal relationship with God, Holy Spirit, the non physical Light, Creator.  
with great love & gratitude,
Rev. Deborah

Monday, December 12, 2011

In the Wilderness

Hello Everyone – Namaste;
The energetic intensity of the past few weeks has and is causing some to feel ‘squeezed’. And in this squeezing one is seeing their own stuff, not someone else’s, but one’s own wounds, patterns and disconnections. In a more traditional wording; one is in the wilderness.

In the wilderness we are in the unknown, in new territory. We do not know which way to go, how to get somewhere else, how to find our way, what to say, what to ask, which way to turn. In the wilderness we are new, we are babes. We feel alone. It is a mighty scary place indeed – and even more frightening if we keep expecting the security of a handwritten outcome and the guarantees that go along with all that means to show up BEFORE we take that first baby step. That way of thinking only keeps us in the desert and creates the gerbil wheel of insanity to form in our minds – leaving our hearts running on empty.

Now if one would like to dig deep into the Season, we could also say one is a virgin – in new territory – never before done this or that, feeling insecure, not knowing how, doing the unexpected and being afraid because it is all NEW. And the bold truth is that every day we wake up, we are virgins. We have no idea how the day will become and where we will go.  When we are in new territory, feeling like a babe, that too is a virgin state. Every moment we find ourselves in prayer, we in a virgin state – we are in something we cannot do, fix or figure out by ourselves, so we are calling in God and all other good in order to help us or another find their way through this new territory they are experiencing.
In my ‘a different church every Sunday tour’ I am on, yesterday I went to the Congregational Church of Topsfield. Here is a prayer from them:

“Gracious and merciful God, we confess to you our reluctance to enter the wilderness places where we are confronted with our true selves. The places where we are tempted to put worldly values before our desire for you. When we are tempted to use the gifts you give us to benefit ourselves at the expense of serving others: Forgive us God and increase our trust in you. Merciful God, forgive us our sins and fill us with your Spirit that we put our whole trust in you as confidently as Jesus did. Amen.
For many of The ALM/CoSE family this may sound a bit old school and patriarchal; but read it anyway and speak it out loud. It carries good, real, true, insights. God is gracious and based on how humans treat themselves and one another – more merciful than anybody I know can imagine. And we DO put worldly values before our desire of God. It is what gets us feeling empty, sad and afraid. That’s a no brainer, my beloveds. Whenever you even think about or if you are living a life where you place worldy deisres BEFORE your desire to know God as your self; well, it is not a comfortable place to be. And if you DO know Gods goodness and generosity and then try to USE that in a righteous state of saying you are serving another human – well my friends; ego will have the upper hand.

Jesus exemplified perfect trust in God. We cannot possibly know it all – we may not even know a little teeny tiny bit of IT – but we do know how it feels inside our own bellies when we stray from seeking the highest form of Love and compassion and kindness in any given action to ourselves or another human being. And this is why I teach you the discernment process in order for you to KNOW thyself so you can use your inner compass in depending on this nonphysical entity called Holy Spirit in order to find your way out of your wilderness; or as you have heard me say, your head is in a paper bag and you can’t find your way out.
If you are seeing your own self clearly, seeing your error, your lack way of thinking, seeing things you simply do not like about yourself; first off, be gentle on yourself.  Then accept yourself for where you are. It is an experience. If you see you have been selfish; know, okay, I have been selfish. I chose this experience in order to know God more. You are human, you are here in form to become more loving; to know God. That is not an easy trip and one of less courage does not choose to make it.

Secondly, take a breath. Okay now, affirm your faith in God. Pray. Sit. Read, repeat, mantra, OM, sing, dance, do an act which brings you into your awareness of your all ready made connection of God. And ask to have the same faith in God that Jesus exemplified.
  “Mother, Father God I am here. I ask to know You deeply – I ask to feel  You without doubt. I ask to know the same faith, trust and dependency on You which my brother, friend and way shower Jesus did. I ask to feel You in my belly, deep in my heart, in every cell of my body – in order to choose a more loving action for and to myself and others. Thank you God.”

Okay, thirdly; today, do it differently. Take a small baby step through the unknown wilderness and do something differently than you have been doing it. Anything. 
Tomorrow, wake up and start again.

When we are in the wilderness, virgins on a new unexpected experience of spiritual sight; we have to accept who we are and where we have been. And we can only do that through knowing that we are each human, each frail  along the journey, each forgiving of ourselves and others, each surrendering to God in order to heal our hearts; KNOWNG this is NOT something we do alone. No one does it alone. Every single person is the same and wants the same thing and came here to experience an individual journey in order to find it. E-v-e-r-y one. No matter what they do for work, who they are, what language they speak, how rich or poor, how educated or not. Every single person is a child of the Most High God and every single person is struggling in some way -- to find their way -- out of their own paper bag. Be gentle on yourself and others, and sooner than latter you will find your way out of the wilderness. 
with great love, Rev Deb

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Each day Thanksgiving.

Last Thursday, the 17th of November, I walked into HomeGoods at 11 in the morning and it was mobbed. Not an empty cart to be  found, flooded with buyers, 99% women, handling items, dreading choice, choosing Xmas items, blissing out at new purchases, way too many people for even the infamous Friday after Thanksgiving.......hardly fitting for mid November and not even a sale. I stopped upon entering and glanced to my left as I was too starstruck at the mad house to fully enter the vortex of shoppers before me. I addressed a clerk whose  hands  were knee deep in dishware from Italy....what day is it?   -  why? its Thursday.   - How come there are so many people here?   - we have too much stock, we have way too much stock..(to the rhythm of; off with their heads, off with their heads)....she replied  to me as she knelt to the floor, then stood up and moved items with arms she did not have. I thought I was in a SNL skit.

This past Monday, the 21st, yes, the Monday before Thanksgiving, I entered the grocery store...............jammed packed, like a snow storm was coming. I have to admit, like a bad B sci fi movie, I thought; where do they all come from on a Monday? Men were pushing carts, women were going from one food item to another, back to the cart, looking at the list, arguing with the man on what was necessary and what was not.......retracing her steps to the food item she was just at for an additional one. Courageous lone shoppers looked be-fuddledly dazed as they maneuvered the too thin aisles and the overwhelming choices.

 As a women of God, a member of the clergy; I write before you to admit my inner conflict about 'these' holidays. Maybe blogs are nothing more a than a public confessional?  I awoke this morning with this conflict on my mind, listening to my heart.......really, I loose sleep about this. What I heard was, how would lives be different if every day we seek out of way to give to  another human?

How would YOUR life be different if every day a loved one went out of their way to prepare for you a delicious meal? How would your life be different if once a week you found a way to 'give' to a worthy cause, to tithe of your heart, to write a check to a food pantry? How would your life be different if every day you awoke with the intention; today I will unconditionally give to another human being?  How would your life be different if every day you found a way to offer to another human being a gift - a touch, a smile, a hug, a conversation, a thoughtful observation, a thank you, homemade soup or a compliment? How would your heart shift?

My personal Re-Frame it about the holidays has always been that the majority of humans never stop long enough to give unconditionally and the concept of a public holiday such as Thanksgiving and Christmas somehow forces them to show up weather they like it or not. That is the blessing in the over the top commercialism which materialism  and exterior motivations has done to redefine such holidays. My human observation is most do not like it as well as most appreciate it. 

As I grow older, as it seems by years gone by, all of us feel differently about the holidays than we did before. Especially right now. Life is different. Energetically we are no longer material, linear, exterior beings - we are vibrational beings with open hearts, journeying from the interior;  and anything which does not align with that open heart will find a way to stop you in your path - give you a spiritual 2 x 4 along side your beautiful head.

Since this is the time of Thanksgiving, I thank you. I love what I do with this life I have been given. Every now and then I am given the gift of witnessing goodness, Light, Love and awareness come through another human being. When I am witness to others giving to others with an open heart and absolutely no other intention; my own heart and soul sing. You all give me that opportunity. Day after day, phone call after phone call, class to class, session to session, service to service.  

Thank you for seeking inner peace; alignment with our Cosmic Oneness. May you each have moments of  this season of  which bring joy to your heart and more than that; may you each commit to making every single day an opportunity to love yourself, another being, be kind, and in doing so, find more of yourself as the Light of God.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NOW is the time!

In Dr. Ernest Holmes book Words That Heal Today (first published in 1949), as with all his writing; the words, speech, directness and simplicity lift me. I get excited picking up any of his books, knowing I am going to be filled with Love, with Truth, with that which resonates with my heart.  It was over twelve years ago that I first touched  365 SOM daily wisdom – today it is just beginning to yellow and lovingly age from my touch.  Dr. Holmes left his body in 1960. I was six years old – and he is most certainly perhaps THE greatest single influence in my life. I am deeply grateful to  this man.

In Words That Heal  his voice simplifies the life experiences and teachings  of Jesus in a ‘down to earth’ manner  of  beautiful,  undeniable relevance to spiritual growth. Dr. Holmes is always speaking of consciousness as his faith is rooted in Oneness.  

“Watching the lives of those who have to some degree mastered their thoughts we can imagine what would happen if the majority of the race should do so. War, poverty and human indignity would cease. We do not know when this will be brought about, but all human evolution is moving toward this divine event. We have already reached a point where we are subduing physical laws to individual and collective purposes, and the next great endeavor will be in the realm of mind and spirit.” (1949!)

Each of us is in a pinnacle moment right now!!  The oversoul of our planet is aligned with the Christ and it is now - truly the time to open ones heart to Love, to God. Do not let the verbiage prevent you from aligning with the Greatest Good – God, Gd, Spirit, Divine Intelligence, The Christ, The Presence….etc. Call it what you will, but know Creative Presence as Source of All things ……………know that we are One. There is only The One Mind. Dr. Holmes teaches us we are not punished for our mistakes but by them! How brilliant. The One Mind responds to our word. We ARE the Ones – we are the I AM and the acknowledgment of the Power of the law allows us to USE the LAW of God for Good.

When we are not at internal peace , we can know this tells us we are in conflict….when our beliefs, our word is not focused on God the Good – for when we are, we are peaceful. There is created a bashing of sorts, a collision, within our energy field when we are paying attention to two masters. There can only be One. There is ONLY One. There is only one and that One responds to your faith, to your word, to your focus, to your thinking, to your statements, to your seeing, to where you are looking, to where you are paying attention. Imagine how it looks when it is resonating to more than One word, more than One belief, when you pay attention to wealth and poverty – to the external and the internal – to the I am wonderful and to the I am sad….imagine the collision course of pathways within your energy field, within your heart….as you look away from God and to your fears.

Dr. Holmes reminds us that God is stronger and more powerful than the personality. We know that when we take one step closer to God, God takes ten towards us. BUT WE MUST be willing to turn the face, to turn our cheeks, to turn our thoughts to a God which is loving, abundant, healthy, peaceful, light filled, compassionate, understanding, healing, prosperous, amazing, kind, wise, generous, strong, courageous and all GOOD.

It is NOW.  “We must let go of any sense of separation from good if we are to become conscious of union with God.”(E.H.)

It is only the sense of something we must let go of – for our thoughts prevent our awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven to be seen. We do not have to create anything or even manifest anything. Simply recognize.  It ALL already exists.

With my love and infinite blessings,


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Vibrational Race

Some moments I have so much to say I hesitate; where to begin? Is there a beginning? Actually, no there are as many beginning as there are souls. And in the past couple of months ‘they’ have not let me write every time I want to write, to share, they say no, not now.  I have been asked to retain all efforts for my clients as well as my home. But this morning, they say yes. ……………………………..Thank you!!!

We are coming upon the last day of the Mayan calendar, according to Carl Calleman and from my seat, it has been quite a ride. I agree this has been only my experience but since my vision can be rather wide and deep, I hope these comments will support and lend guidance, relief and understanding. As an energy practitioner and spiritual teacher my interests do not lie to the societal shifts, ( I do not watch wall street or other linear effects of these shifts) but rather my sight and gifts allow me to interpret with a cosmic awareness the  personal path one’s human emotions play in the spiritual expansion of an individual’s human consciousness.   Since our awareness as a whole is built upon the many my deep passions and interests lie in the root energies of each person’s wounds and the healings which allow for awareness’s to be revealed and therefore actions of choice to be taken to which allow movement forward and, away from ………….seeing the end results of head and heart in alignment with unconditional love; the Christ Consciousness.


In the past month many souls have been given opportunities’ to see and make choices in reference to boundaries.  Healthy boundaries are one of the major energetic facets of a healthy, aware soul. One must learn that one cannot ‘do’ for another.  No souls can make, force or other, another person to change,  nor can one do enough for another person so they will feel better,  The spiritual awakening is an interior shift, one which takes place on a vibrational level within each of us. As an individual we are the only one who can do  our own walk. We cannot  do it for our friends, or sisters and brothers, or parents, spouses  or children.

Emotional boundaries are at the core of any healthy relationship, especially the relationship you have with yourself.  What has been seen this summer is that individuals have been seeing THEIR own stances where they as an individual stand on various matters, what they as an individual will allow, like, deem appropriate or not.  Souls have had revealed to them their own opinions, beliefs and values.

Generational Healing

The second facet the Light has shined upon is the issue of generational healing souls being willing and able to see the emotional histories of family and the effects they are living out by believing the stories as the truth. This type of work has taken great courage and this level of courage has been supported by and through Divine Intelligence and allowed through the great Light Vibration which is now present.
No More Veil/Separation

The phrase, ‘the veils are thin’ was once common now, there is no veil.  There literally is no there and here. There is no through the veils the veil is open; wide open. This veil once referred to spirit world and what people saw as our world.  Due to this incredibly amazing fact, dreams are now an opportunity for many to be immersed in other planes of life. Many of my students and clients have had strengthened dreamtime, visitations from shaman totems and physical comfort from dead loved ones.

(For some this has been common communication, but for many this is a recently new form of communication.)

and  joy are what we  experience when we are fully aligned with God.

To feel joy is an authentic state of euphoria, which historically humans have (craved)  made sad yet necessary attempts at finding through various addictions. BUT NOW, one is able to feel pure JOY like never before. This I find to be the most beautiful effect of the Light which is the effect of our collective awakening to feel such Bliss for being alive, for being here now, for being aware of a brief and beautiful moment in life which is free from addictions of any kind to feel utter interior joy for God, for the Universal Divine Vibration of Love which floods our spirits and enlivens us to bliss!!!!!!! To feel, truly feel, the breath of awareness of infinite, or always, of love from the deepest space of your being to feel peace. Peace of knowing that the beauty and love of God is coming from within you and not anything you need to search for outside of yourself to be so much in love with Spirit and what one may refer to as a cosmic awareness of Life Itself to be bursting with so much gratitude for your breath for knowing that we are eternal beings, here for a short time to experience yet more of this emotional play and to feel unattached to the path, yet committed to the unraveling to know that our work is to simply love through our hearts and to realize  there is nothing to figure out, nothing to create, nothing to do ……………

I am always amazed at the resiliency of the human being.  To see the energies which many grow up in, the path one has chosen in order to evolve into an awakened being and to see souls come through this path with an open heart is the only proof of God I need. To witness what one individual human body, mind and heart can endure and yet witness one make it through to the other side, to being present with history yet not attached to the story, to see souls forgive, to witness souls awaken to compassion and therefore free their own heart of being burdened - to watch, hear and feel souls take 100% responsibility of their own perceptions to experiences this fills my heart with joy.


A cosmic understanding of finite vs. infinite is necessary for the intellectual spiritual development of the human to move beyond attachments of the mind and human sight to seeing through the heart center.  The extraordinary vibration of The Light, which this summer reached never before peak pulsations and magnitudes on this plane, allowed for a greater understanding of infinite which only can be understood through the interior awareness. Finiteness is a quantum something-ness which is an illusion through believing in exterior motivations and linear stories.   When one’s mind can wrap itself around true infinity of all, then we have the root  substance of God Consciousness. When one can take this understanding of Infinity of All and apply it to any experience or perception; then healing can take place; as healing is the absolute aligning of ones cells with God through ones beliefs of God.

If someone is struggling right now, it is due to their belief in the exterior as the place from which they come from  in their perceptions of Life. To know God and to be grounded in Divine Intelligence is to come from the interior and now is the MOST perfect time to align with such cosmic juiciness.

If you are  in fear, you believe more in the outside than the inside.

If you are feeling depressed you are focusing on the outside rather than the inside.

If you are wavering, sad, heavy, burdened, angry….you are waiting for something on the outside to change you must  shift your thoughts to shift your vibration on the interior to see the exterior differently and for the exterior to be different.

I would also like to express that since we are now a vibrational  race, (Thank you God!) Flower Essences are truly the medicine of now.  Flower Essences support the vibrational shifts necessary for healing, alignment with the Divine Cosmos) to take place in all cells of your being.

 This is such an extraordinary time to be in human form!   My deep love to you and your clan, your pods, your families may you be expressing in Love, feeling joy and being blissed out when you can and if you are not here yet may you be gentle and faithfilled, receiving the support you want and desire to allow your consciousness to shine in and as the Love of God.

All things are possible with God. All.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Today,( and when I am in the flow and awareness of God), I expect remarkable good in my life. I expect to see good I have never seen before. I expect God to move through my life, against all human thought and ideas and history and do what has never been done before. I expect God to do remarkable things in my life, because God only does remarkable things.  I expect unexpected good to be my experience. I expect remarkable healing, loving men and women, joy to pour through my day and I absolutely expect God to continually surprise me with more and more prosperity in all things.

As many of you know and read; we are in a most remarkable time. It seems no matter where I turn my eyes and read, I am being reminded of the good and trans formative times we are in - and the ways and means by which God is oversouling all illusions.

I am seeing clients healed of what 'they' were told they could not be.
I am seeing minds and hearts open to love.
I am seeing souls aligned with a loving and good God who cares for them in comfort and ease.
I am witnessing, every day, the good which is God.

Everyday I am yet again transformed through someones message of love, healing and/or pure joy.

Everyday God brings to me what I asked to see and yet everyday I am continually blown away and cry in tears of bliss over the amazement my beingness feels - always expecting and yet always in awe.

May your day be richly blessed by Love and in all ways may your mind,body and Spirit know the greatness of God - for God has great things to do through you!

"Today God has great things to do through me."

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What Do You Expect?

I am not awake yet - just barely. In the midst of being half asleep and feeling the cool air which had filled my bedroom during the nighttime....I heard The Voice - ask them; What do you expect?

I always ask my clients what is you intention today? - before they lay on the table. Now, I see and feel and shudder with the truth, it is what they expect that it is even more profound. It is what we expect at every moment which is deeply, mind blowingly and sometimes excruciatingly leading.

What do you expect this prayer to do for you? What do you expect this healing session of laying of hands, REIKI, energy medicine to do for you? Through you? What are your expectations?

Upon that moment of half sleep, half awake this morning...I had this epiphany that any ego frustration I may have, lays in the vast separation of a clients expectations and mine - and it is their expectations that are so very critical. I can see that when I am wise enough to poke a hole in their expectations in order to expand their awareness of all which is possible//the outcome can be different.

Do you have faith in God or not and what does that faith do for you? Do you expect good, abundance, joy, health, outrageous fun or not? OR do you simply depend on the past, on genetics, on your what was to tell you what your will be will look like? Are you depending on another person to tell you what you potential is or are you going for the brass ring?

One client may come to me for comfort - it may be all their mind can possibly comprehend - while I am expecting them to be free of pain, cured/healed of a label. If I have done my work as well as I should at any moment; all my clients SHOULD be able to hear the idea that perhaps this or that is a possibility.

Everyone one of us has the same Divine Potential for spiritual expansion which is beautifully reflected in our bodies and lives. This learning, knowing of infinite possibility must be a part of ones awareness for it to even be considered by them as a what if.

So, right now, you are reading this: what do you expect? What do you expect your day to be like? What do you expect your body to feel like? Do you expect to hear positive news from the doctor or not?  Do you expect your job to add stress to your life or do you expect to breeze through it with grace? Do you expect the visit with your family to go well or do you expect short fuses?

I am not speaking of what you hope, what you wish for, what would be nice...i really mean it! What do you EXPECT!?

We expect what we know and until we change what we know we will keep getting the previous expectations. Our faith in God allows us to expect something different, new and never seen before. Our faith in the yet to be revealed allows our eyes to be blessed with new sight, our hearts to feel new love and our minds to know more good.

The ego loves to stay with what it knows - anything new is a threat. When you wish to change your mind and you feel uncomfortable, or wish to feel better and cannot or would like to have your life experience be different than it is: one has to surrender (ego dissolution), in order to allow the light of new expectations to manifest in your experience.

What do you expect? If you expect to feel better you will ! If you expect to get such and such accomplished you will! If you expect good you will see good..............but when you continually depend on what the past has taught you, or what others are telling you or what you automatically and unconsciously allow to seep into your expectations; the outcome will not change.

Change your thoughts, expect new, see the potential, know the possibility.

What do you expect?

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Real Work Begins

Many souls are asking - what the heck is going on? Why is it so difficult?  From weather to economy to government to empty bank accounts to simply being CRANKY like never despondent, get the picture.

People I love and care about are in the midst of very difficult times. Several emails every week from souls wanting to understand what is going on?

It is an old analogy, but so very true - when the lights are finally turned on, you see how dirty the room really is. All the dust, hidden stuff, secrets packed away.....all the stuff the darkness was hiding - or at least pretending to hide from you. And then you go and do it, you turn the light on - and some days you wish you hadn't.

Simply true; the more light, the more you see. All these years we have been praying to have our consciousness raised to such a degree that Love would fill the world with Light - not so comfortable, is it?

Anything that is NOT of the Light will show up. Think about it - simple science. Lights on, see all. Lights off, see nothing.

You may reach a certain level of expansion in your life and realize you marriage is not what you want.
You may reach a certain level of open-heartedness and see your husband is an alcholic - and you've lived with him for over ten years and never knew!
You may reach a level of faith and see that or this or it or that............................... was there all along. It was always there - that experience. It didn't just happen because the light went on, you see it because the light went on.

You have a realization you really want to do this in your life, not that. You see your child needs to move out. You see your government is not all that good at what they do. You see that human behavior is mostly pretty stupid. You see there is a great deal of good in the world. You see that you want to quite your job and paint for a living. You see you really ARE good at what you do.

We hide. Humans are excellent at it. We hide from ourselves all the time.

It was there ALL the time. The love, the joy, the potential. Yet, right when the lights are turned on, after being off for lifetimes, there is a lot of dust to move through before the glory can be  enjoyed. Now that the lights are on, the real work begins.


Friday, August 26, 2011


Describing the present energies is a formidable task. I feel called to share my observations in order for others to know they are not alone.

Despite and due to the universal energies, shifts and vibrations, we are seeing effects one can only categorize as daunting and intimidating.
(One can read the horoscopes, study the different teachings about the galactic plates shifting, know about the weather and global shifts, be aware of the Mayan prophecies….but….) As a student and teacher of soul journeys and the effects of our thoughts and beliefs on our individual lives; I feel my front row seat is rather interesting, unique and incredibly humbling.

The effect, (from the Universal Shifts and heavenly opportunities of time and space) can be described as NOW. The one thing you have always wanted is here; that ONE thing, choice, experience, dream, desire, longing, you have always thought about, prayed upon - is here. That precipice; the scraggy ledge, that edge in time and space - quantum and linear, has come together and cosmically aligned; aligned with and as your journey of NOW. People are at a point where the one thing they have hid from their whole lives – is calling. That ONE teaching, that ONE immense fear, that ONE area of wanting; is HERE now. That one aspect of their individual healing which will allow them to fly…..if they only say yes.
Perhaps it snuck up on you – or feels that way. That one thing you always asked for. Perhaps it shocked you, surprised you, came at the most unexpected, moment; that one opportunity. It is as if people who are wanting are standing on the edge of their own journey, that individual fork in this life they chose – and when it use to seem so simple, although incomplete; and as if they ever dreamed they would have an actual chance of this, thinking it was only a dream; and as if God would only hear me I could do that or I want to do this so much; and now, they may be frozen in fear.

OR they be soaring in love!
Come to the edge and fly! Standing on the edge is uncomfortable. It is a space of delicate balance. If I take just one more step, one more small step…I will be in totally new territory, the unknown. If I say yes, just one small word, to this thing, this idea, this that I once only dreamed of – how do I know? How do I know I will succeed? How do I know I will do it well? How do I know? How do I know it will work out?

You don’t. But your Faith in that which brought you to this place does.  

Allow the Humor

‘Beneath our egos, deep in the guts of our stories, hiding in the dankness of our victimhood, feeding upon the bile of our shame; is the humor.
The humor will raise us from the stories upon which we climb, stringing together heartaches, pain, guilt and remorse.

A weak and unstable bridge is built – and as the foundation cracks open, we gain momentum, not wanting to drop into the ethers of the vastness of one’s family sorrow – but rather to use this bridge formed of tears in order to reach our place of victory.’

The secrets are out.  (Thank God!) Let go or get dragged. Climb up or get run over. Breathe through and take that step. Say yes.

The two complaints are:

1.  “It is so hard.” Yes, it is difficult to let go of one’s ego and trust in God. Get over it.

2.   “I can’t.” No, you cannot do this alone, you are absolutely correct – do it with God.


-      Not everyone is going to like you. (get over it.)
-      Not everyone is going to agree with your actions and choices. (get over that to.)
-      You are not here to please everyone else –(for those are only personalities.) -  you are here to please, serve and be in joy with that which is greater than i.

No matter what the outer experience looks like right now; it is most undeniably about letting go of ones ego and coming into Oneness with another’s heart. Forgive. Who? Yourself, your parents, your spouse, your children. Do it.

Forgiveness does not mean you stay or go or leave or run or even like – it simply means you forgive. It means you stop blaming, finding fault and ridiculing. It means you place yourself in a place of not intellectually understanding why or how – but in blind faith know we EACH have made choices which have affected another person in what appears to be an insensitive or painful way. Our humanness. Get over it.
Do you trust God or not? I have been sounding like a broken record with this statement over the past three months with friends and clients. Walk your talk or get pulled under the bus. Now.

How will I know? You will know you are walking your talk because you will feel empowered. Empowered beyond anything you ever felt before. You will know, by the way your heart feels and the words you speak and the feelings you have; you will know you are a soul who has taken the great plunge into the unknown with God and said Yes to your journey – this wonderful, amazing journey of love.

Bless you, bless you, bless you.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

tagging last post

i went outside to commune with the hawks and on the pond was a joyous show of twelve ducks bathing, splashing, preening, making noise, lots of water, like 12 two year olds in a wading pool....chasing each other, spreading their wings to get water in all the right places......such joy. and then, there, to my left, three young bucks along the ridge. gallivanting proudly like two 17 yr old boys and then a younger brother, say ten......antlers just coming up to size.........following behind, taking cues from the leaders.......stop, listen, go......

all things honoring their natural rhythms.


I love fall. It is my favorite time of year, and no doubt what may be the driving force in me living my life in New England. Nature, the natural cycle of the essence of life itself lets us know when.........if we only listen, feel and allow our hearts to interpret.

This past week the bluebirds, starlings and other summer feathered friends are quiet, the crows have been louder, the hawks screeching often and we have a very loud owl who praises night fall. I know this, because my windows are now open.....allowing for my senses to be filled, touched and glorified!

I have friends who are hot weather women. I am not one of them. Living at the ocean is the only way I can love the heat...............i need air flow. I require flow. I need circulation, movement. I have to have it. In all aspects of my life. I must know I am shifting, growing, changing, allowing for flow. Stagnant is my least favorite four letter word.

The Farm lets me know when the season is changing. I don't need a date book or calendar or school year to tell me. The air tells me. The groundhogs weight tells me. The birds tell me.

My yearning for tea rather than coffee tells me. I know fall is in the air when I desire tea. I know summer is upon me when I desire coffee. My own unique rhythms.

We each have our own unique cycles. Our lives are greatly eased when we listen to them and with reverence; choose actions upon the information gathered. When I was a 'young thing' I would have called them red I know it is more than intuition; it is in all-ways the wisdom of the nature of all that i am speaking to me, guiding me, prodding me along this path of my individual journey.

For instance, I have a relative who does not understand why I drink tea in the fall and coffee in the summer - it SHOULD be the other way is too hot for summer......blah, blah, blah. (When I then am in the midst of the full change of the season, grasping for tea one moment and coffee the will put them right over the edge! If they only knew the Laws of Transformation, they would not be unsettled.) Now, if we go thru our lives doing the should dance, that is exactly what it turns to; a chaotic dance.

I have this small gift. I never have to time hard boiled eggs. Ever since I was a kid, I just know when they are done. I don't watch the clock, I do not fret nor think about it; i put them on and then take them off when I think of it. Yellow, perfect, done.

Some people want something outside of themselves to tell them when they are done, or when it is done, or when it is time. You have an inner clock. You have all you need. This nature of things is what YOU are. There is this Divine Nature of Life; the Essence of God which lies within and with out all things. Trust it. Find out how it works, how to use it, apply it and reap the benefits from It; and TRUST it.

Trust your own unique cycles, trust the God within and without,, to go sit outside and commune with that hawk.  

Monday, August 8, 2011

In Our Own Way!

Dear God,

"Please help me stay out of your way.  I see how we just get in your way ALL the time. I ask you, help me stay out of your way today - all day, one moment at a time. When I get in your way, I am in my OWN way. It is really wierd that way. I want you so much, I want to see you, feel you, know you - and I HAVE to get out of my way, your way, our order to allow you access!
Please, keep me out of my own way."

Thank you and Amen! 

Things we do that keep us in our own way! Or The things we do that prevent us from being aware of our Oneness with God.

1.  Worry.
2.  Complain.
3.  Control situations, or think we are controlling anything!
4.  Butt in before we are invited.
5.  Judge, ridicule
6.  ......and find fault with others. 
7.  Gossip
8.  Be afraid.
9.  Be unkind.
10.  Say No too often.
11.  Look outside ourselves rather than inside ourselves.
12.  Say I should, I have to and feel obligated.
13. Come from our heads, not our hearts.
14. Think too much, for too long about anything.
15. Refuse to feel......ignoring our heart centers........the very place that God speaks.

All things are possible with God, but first, you have to get out of your own way. 

Love & Blessings, Deborah