Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ritual ~ Oneness

This morning I created a ritual honoring the Solstice. Creating ritual, whether with others or yourself alone is a tool for bringing your full mind, body and heart together as One. The way of God moments. My sharing.

In our lower garden, which is a portal, I placed my very large Rose quartz which has traveled along side me for several years.

Creating a circle around this beautiful stone, I welcomed it back to the earth, to remember its beginnings, to be fed by the longest day of the year, to be released of the old and to be allowing of the new.

Standing the West I thanked the winds- those dancing spaces of air which nudge us, redirect us, push us and carry us. I thanked the Sun, Its strength, fire and heights of Light it shares.

Standing in the North I thanked the Wisdom. I thanked ancestors of mine, this land, the families whom have lived here before me.

Standing in the East I thanked the peace. I thanked my teachers - from parents to children, to husband, to teachers, to clients and students.

Standing in the South I thanked the land, the flowers, the blossoms, every critter, those I see and cannot see. I called upon my power animals - the deer, the great blue heron, the white egret, the hawk and expressed my gratitude for being with me, teaching me and guiding me at all times.

Walking around the circle once more, creating markers in the wet grass, I stood in the heat of the sun, climbing to its highest point of the year and shared my deepest devotions to all who have come before me and celebrated this day in Light, Love & Truth.

Feeling the presence of God moving as me. I stood blessed.

Now, I am off to officiate at a graveside ritual-remembering a life well lived of a grand matriarch, four days shy of her 96th year she left her body on 1-11-11. Ritual. Connections. Oneness.

with my love and gratitude,
