Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Each day Thanksgiving.

Last Thursday, the 17th of November, I walked into HomeGoods at 11 in the morning and it was mobbed. Not an empty cart to be  found, flooded with buyers, 99% women, handling items, dreading choice, choosing Xmas items, blissing out at new purchases, way too many people for even the infamous Friday after Thanksgiving.......hardly fitting for mid November and not even a sale. I stopped upon entering and glanced to my left as I was too starstruck at the mad house to fully enter the vortex of shoppers before me. I addressed a clerk whose  hands  were knee deep in dishware from Italy....what day is it?   -  why? its Thursday.   - How come there are so many people here?   - we have too much stock, we have way too much stock..(to the rhythm of; off with their heads, off with their heads)....she replied  to me as she knelt to the floor, then stood up and moved items with arms she did not have. I thought I was in a SNL skit.

This past Monday, the 21st, yes, the Monday before Thanksgiving, I entered the grocery store...............jammed packed, like a snow storm was coming. I have to admit, like a bad B sci fi movie, I thought; where do they all come from on a Monday? Men were pushing carts, women were going from one food item to another, back to the cart, looking at the list, arguing with the man on what was necessary and what was not.......retracing her steps to the food item she was just at for an additional one. Courageous lone shoppers looked be-fuddledly dazed as they maneuvered the too thin aisles and the overwhelming choices.

 As a women of God, a member of the clergy; I write before you to admit my inner conflict about 'these' holidays. Maybe blogs are nothing more a than a public confessional?  I awoke this morning with this conflict on my mind, listening to my heart.......really, I loose sleep about this. What I heard was, how would lives be different if every day we seek out of way to give to  another human?

How would YOUR life be different if every day a loved one went out of their way to prepare for you a delicious meal? How would your life be different if once a week you found a way to 'give' to a worthy cause, to tithe of your heart, to write a check to a food pantry? How would your life be different if every day you awoke with the intention; today I will unconditionally give to another human being?  How would your life be different if every day you found a way to offer to another human being a gift - a touch, a smile, a hug, a conversation, a thoughtful observation, a thank you, homemade soup or a compliment? How would your heart shift?

My personal Re-Frame it about the holidays has always been that the majority of humans never stop long enough to give unconditionally and the concept of a public holiday such as Thanksgiving and Christmas somehow forces them to show up weather they like it or not. That is the blessing in the over the top commercialism which materialism  and exterior motivations has done to redefine such holidays. My human observation is most do not like it as well as most appreciate it. 

As I grow older, as it seems by years gone by, all of us feel differently about the holidays than we did before. Especially right now. Life is different. Energetically we are no longer material, linear, exterior beings - we are vibrational beings with open hearts, journeying from the interior;  and anything which does not align with that open heart will find a way to stop you in your path - give you a spiritual 2 x 4 along side your beautiful head.

Since this is the time of Thanksgiving, I thank you. I love what I do with this life I have been given. Every now and then I am given the gift of witnessing goodness, Light, Love and awareness come through another human being. When I am witness to others giving to others with an open heart and absolutely no other intention; my own heart and soul sing. You all give me that opportunity. Day after day, phone call after phone call, class to class, session to session, service to service.  

Thank you for seeking inner peace; alignment with our Cosmic Oneness. May you each have moments of  this season of  which bring joy to your heart and more than that; may you each commit to making every single day an opportunity to love yourself, another being, be kind, and in doing so, find more of yourself as the Light of God.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NOW is the time!

In Dr. Ernest Holmes book Words That Heal Today (first published in 1949), as with all his writing; the words, speech, directness and simplicity lift me. I get excited picking up any of his books, knowing I am going to be filled with Love, with Truth, with that which resonates with my heart.  It was over twelve years ago that I first touched  365 SOM daily wisdom – today it is just beginning to yellow and lovingly age from my touch.  Dr. Holmes left his body in 1960. I was six years old – and he is most certainly perhaps THE greatest single influence in my life. I am deeply grateful to  this man.

In Words That Heal  his voice simplifies the life experiences and teachings  of Jesus in a ‘down to earth’ manner  of  beautiful,  undeniable relevance to spiritual growth. Dr. Holmes is always speaking of consciousness as his faith is rooted in Oneness.  

“Watching the lives of those who have to some degree mastered their thoughts we can imagine what would happen if the majority of the race should do so. War, poverty and human indignity would cease. We do not know when this will be brought about, but all human evolution is moving toward this divine event. We have already reached a point where we are subduing physical laws to individual and collective purposes, and the next great endeavor will be in the realm of mind and spirit.” (1949!)

Each of us is in a pinnacle moment right now!!  The oversoul of our planet is aligned with the Christ and it is now - truly the time to open ones heart to Love, to God. Do not let the verbiage prevent you from aligning with the Greatest Good – God, Gd, Spirit, Divine Intelligence, The Christ, The Presence….etc. Call it what you will, but know Creative Presence as Source of All things ……………know that we are One. There is only The One Mind. Dr. Holmes teaches us we are not punished for our mistakes but by them! How brilliant. The One Mind responds to our word. We ARE the Ones – we are the I AM and the acknowledgment of the Power of the law allows us to USE the LAW of God for Good.

When we are not at internal peace , we can know this tells us we are in conflict….when our beliefs, our word is not focused on God the Good – for when we are, we are peaceful. There is created a bashing of sorts, a collision, within our energy field when we are paying attention to two masters. There can only be One. There is ONLY One. There is only one and that One responds to your faith, to your word, to your focus, to your thinking, to your statements, to your seeing, to where you are looking, to where you are paying attention. Imagine how it looks when it is resonating to more than One word, more than One belief, when you pay attention to wealth and poverty – to the external and the internal – to the I am wonderful and to the I am sad….imagine the collision course of pathways within your energy field, within your heart….as you look away from God and to your fears.

Dr. Holmes reminds us that God is stronger and more powerful than the personality. We know that when we take one step closer to God, God takes ten towards us. BUT WE MUST be willing to turn the face, to turn our cheeks, to turn our thoughts to a God which is loving, abundant, healthy, peaceful, light filled, compassionate, understanding, healing, prosperous, amazing, kind, wise, generous, strong, courageous and all GOOD.

It is NOW.  “We must let go of any sense of separation from good if we are to become conscious of union with God.”(E.H.)

It is only the sense of something we must let go of – for our thoughts prevent our awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven to be seen. We do not have to create anything or even manifest anything. Simply recognize.  It ALL already exists.

With my love and infinite blessings,
