Friday, March 11, 2011

Earth Prayer

Mother Earth,

We love you - we calm our hearts in order for you to feel our humbling awe of your power and magnificence.

Let all life be secure in the unfoldment of your power.

Let our love instill and pour into your ground our vibrations of Oneness.

Let your oceans be stilled through our joy and serenity as we share our hearts with you.

Mother Earth, Father Sky, Calming Waters -

Let our awakening be filled with Grace as our soul vibrations expand to (an) awareness of universal Oneness.

Let our hearts see calm.

Let our hearts feel calm.

Let our hearts be calm.

My heart sees calm.

My heart feels calm.

My heart is calm.

My vibration of calmness spreads into the earth and seeps into the rivers and streams

and pours itself upon the grand waters -

and calming Grace is the only experience.

Thank you God, and so It Is!

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