Monday, November 5, 2012

May these thoughts bless your journey with grace. - Deborah

 ~  Saying we are in interesting times doesn’t feel enough, or isn’t close enough to the vibration of the present and pending change, is it?  This is a passage of time with themes, and perhaps hearing my perception of them, reading of them, may help support your individual journey.


1.    The theme of  LANGUAGE

There is an obvious language and communication discrepancy.  The less dense or some may say higher vibrations which are being experienced have no words in our human language which explain them to others.

Many times, I find myself ‘searching’ my mind for a word or phrase which can offer the equal vibration of whatever it is I am attempting to offer. The reason I am attempting to offer IT is because their soul is calling out for the mind to catch up with the more loving vibration it has reached. My searching for words can evidently look quite pained to someone who is still in their head; ‘just say it!’ – I will hear. I cannot. The reason I cannot is because the soul of the individual is prepared to be at the new level of realization, but their mind is stuck at the old, so the bridge is the offering. So, I have learned that offering a parable like tale works best. Sharing an experience which vibrates at the same level of expansion as the point I am attempting to offer is how I am able to clearly share with another. The tale does not have to have any similarities at all on the linear plan to the present moment story, crisis or communication – it is the like vibration of emotional cords which help to explain the ‘point’ and therefore the bridging of one’s mind and heart. I did not do it; the vibration of the offering is what actually causes the shift to take place for the beloved.


2.    The theme of  - TAKE ‘I’ OUT OF IT

At this time in space and life, as you are wrestling with understanding anything, it helps to take all pronouns out of the conversation. This is a tool / bridge which can support the releasing of the energy of the ego.

“I did this, I did that”. – No, you did not. When you truly think about whatever it is you think you did, you will realize there is no way you could have done it. Something greater than you did it, and for the sake of this writing we will call that God/Spirit.

Come see my garden – I planted and grew all my own vegetables.  No, you didn’t. You could not know how to grow a vegetable if you tried. God and the Divine Perfection within the seed did it. Yes, you tended it. Yes, you followed plant protocol. Yes, you weeded and watered – but, you did not grow them.

Come behold the vegetables God grew for us!

Come witness how beautiful this garden is.


“I manifested this! I co created this!” 

In our humanness we can not manifest anything. I never manifested any home I have lived in – God revealed them to me. I did not co create anything either. Again, the ego is fed through the teaching that I/we had anything at all to do with anything being revealed to u -- except for the ALLOWING of.  Something we desire and dream of may certainly be revealed to us, and yes, through our faith and SURRENDER we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us – but God is doing the manifesting of the revelation and nothing is being created because ALL of it is already created. Just think how hard people work at co creation. Of course they work hard, to teach that YOU have to create ANYTHING is I/ego. Too many people are tired from trying to manifest something they want in their lives – and this is a reflection of the discordant energy which is brought into the stream of consciousness through the belief that a human has to create anything – it brings instant conflict because it is an untruth. AND it keeps you in your HEAD.  


I am sad. I am angry. I am poor. I am rich. I am lonely.

As you heal, take I AM this or that out of it.  And ALWAYS speak the words out loud.

I am experiencing sadness. I am witnessing anger in this experience.

 I am experiencing the energy of lack. I am aware of the energy of loneliness.

I AM is the most sacred term, energy, vibration. The moment you state I AM anything, you instantly BRIDGE your vibrational cords to the vibration of that particular word or words. (This is the reason in The 4 – T’s class on prosperity, it is the first tool offered to say out loud as many times a day as you can: I AM RICH.)

The I AM energy is one which is always stated out loud, even in the most unconscious situations. It is often a phrase which is repeated over and over again – depending how wretched or joyful one feels at the time.

By stating and turning your face away from I AM associated with lack awareness and stating an experience of anything, you instantly separate yourself from the vibration of whatever it is. You instantly take yourself OUT of the energy field and allow yourself to be outside it and to become an observer or witness of an experience OF --- rather than the experience itself. As well as, to consciously CHOOSE the experience you DO want to be aligned with.


3.    The theme of Conflict / Discordant Energy

An awareness of Spirit, an awakening of Lightness, a healing at any depth, forgiveness of self or others; none of these can possibly take place in an energy field of discordancy – which comes from conflict. Once you bring an energy of being/going against anything; conflictive energy is birthed. (This can be birthed in unkindness, thoughtlessness, uncaringness, vacancy, being without compassion, narrow perceptions.) It simply does not feel good – you may feel angst in your belly, a headache, and/or tightness in your back, chest or neck. And if you are open to energies, being in the midst of it is quite uncomfortable.

Loving something free is the path of least resistance which is the only path from which Spirit may be seen, felt, reflected, experienced.

In the moment you go up against anything – you create a discordant energy which prevents you from FEELING Holy Spirit.

Fear, anger, repression, re-actions,  getting back at someone, blame, forcing an opinion on someone, making someone wrong so you can feel right, finding fault, making a person, place or thought ‘bad’; any energy in thought, opinion or other which is lack instantly brings about discordant energy which in that moment prevents one from aligning with Divine Love. It is never that Divine Love is not present; it is our allowing of It to pour through us in our thoughts, words and actions which lifts us.

Offered in Light and Love,


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