Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Introduction; revised, renewed, refreshed.

It has been since August 2009 (!) that I last spent time preparing a message which evidently never came to be posted. I just spent the last half hour finding this prior blog, renewed it and refreshed it, (still not in a full comprehension of all the ins and outs) and am beginning again. How many old blogs, face book pages, my spaces, websites.....do you have in your closet? I get so baffled by the linear component of keeping them up, understanding the inner workings....that I fail to continue them with any sense of grace. I have no desire to tweet, I find face book overwhelming,(but the comfort of a distant form of friendship is pleasant).......and I miss land line phones. BUT here I am trying once again to create an avenue of self expression which is always filled with intention to benefit others. Perhaps this time..........

Like many famous and never heard of people in history, I am self proclaiming myself an expert in, (drum roll please...) Spiritual Re.Framing. Is this really so terrible? I mean, if WE can't see what we are good at - how is any one else suppose to see it? Fortunately, it is a yet undefined tactic, so I may have a chance here of being a vehicle for some formidable good....or not....but since I already have seen the experiences of goodness and transformation thru this concept with clients; none of this can be considered a 'loss.'

Re.framing is when we put on our spiritual binoculars and take yet another look at a situation that is causing us pain, grief, uncomfortableness. Re.Framing is when I offer up another vision - another way to see - a different view. And it works. Re.Framing creates ah-ha moments - moments of Grace and God connection. Moments of seeing thru one's spiritual eye site.........and it is very, very good. Mind you, some of the topics will be hard. They will stir you, provoke you and create within you an uproar -- and some will simply make you smile.

In these particular moments in time there are few who cannot use (including myself) daily support in keeping our faith - faith in goodness, faith in remembering change is constant, faith in ourselves to always being capable of seeing it right - no matter what it is. Re.Framing is to remember Spirit in any given moment. And right now, there are many given moments..............we must always seek the goodness, so it can find us and we can see it. Even in the most trying of times, we CAN see God the Good, Love & a sense of comfort in the non-physical elements of living.

One of my beloveds (this is how I refer to students, clients, congregants..) works with the recently uprooted Rwanda community here in the States. She sits every day and witnesses their individual stories of pain, horror and at our human gut level; fear. AND yet, thru most of their stories there are no signs of a disenchanted faith in God, still, after all they have been thru - because God brought them here - a God brought them to a new land where they do not know the language, cannot work, need healthcare on all too many levels, left family, or know family has been killed because they left - brought them to a place where despite PTSS nightmares, not trusting and having nothing more than the clothes they arrive in; there is a GOD who got them here; and for this they give continual thanks.

And in this witnessing this beloved continues to be in awe of the horror humans do to humans as well as in awe of how faith can carry us through.


Okay, there's the intro. As if I NEED yet another thing to be committed to! ...but I do want it. And so it begins.....again.


  1. Love it, Deb!
    My entire spiritual practice can probably be summed up as "reframing." So thanks for providing this. A fresh perspective on anything is always a good idea!

  2. As has always been the case with your writings and sharings, Deb, the timing is divine. What I used to see as "spring cleaning" is now seasonal reframing, which, it turns out, is an on-going process that I never complete, but do get better at with each season.

    I agree with your feelings about Tweeting and Facebooking. Technology, I fear, is only getting us further away from each other. I especially felt that the other day, while with friends who were too busy texting to really talk or look into each other's eyes. This too will be a passing season in our human history. I suspect it will be known as the time we got further away trying to get close.

    Good to hear your musings again, Deb. I've missed them.
