Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yes to Faith

Advent is a favorite time of year for me. The going within, the weekly reminders of the season - and this past first Sunday of Advent was a celebration of Faith. The church service I went to was perfect for me - faith was explained from the eyes of Mary - being asked to have faith in her calling to mother, to walk in faith as she was asked to do what was looked upon as irreverent, wrong and in biblical times; reason for stoning or worse - an unmarried woman, pregnant. We were brought to consider Mary's perception, fears and courage - it was, in all the first Advent Sunday Faith topics I have heard and given - perhaps my favorite. The music, the words, the energy - it was wonderful.

In my inner sanctum of self, the place I went to during this vibrant message was the virgin part - how we are each virgins in the essence of being asked to have faith in anything which is new to us. And of course, this is the only time we need faith, when something is new, when we have not done it before, when our built in ego screams; No! Usually we feel okay, unruffled when asked by Spirit to do something we have done before - something not new to us - BUT when we are guided to do yet another NEW thing - to get up and move, to say yes to a new endeavor, to take a brand new action - it is that uncertainty of exposure, that wavering and sometimes relentless voice of ego that we cannot succeed, that gut wrenching fear of the unknown which rears its ugly head.

What I have observed in my years of ministry is that it truly is fear itself, not the goal which takes our humanness over. Look at the conversations we avoid, the class we put off for literally years, the move we always yearn to take and never do, the volunteer program we seem to never have time for......that church we never get to. Take a moment and consider all the experiences you so neatly avoid.

I know, when the time is right, when the stars align, when all the pieces fall into place we will make the move. But, what about answering the call? What about trusting the vibrant call from God to say YES! Perhaps all that is missing is saying YES.

And this can be about what appears to be the smallest of actions, the least life changing choices, the simplest of shifts.

There is no doubt that our lives become easier when we have Faith in God, the Universal Isness, the Great Cosmic Perfection - to support our choices, our actions, our prayers. It is important for us to surround ourselves with others who support our dreams, our ideas, our hopes, our prayers. Some of us have that in partnership, others have family, or community - like minded souls where being in their vibration helps to support your own dreams and visions. Yet, when we take on God as our partner, all things are possible. When we take on the cloak of Faith in saying yes to our dreams and hopes - when we discern through prayer what it is we are to do - no matter how minute or 'unimportant' the action may seem; we are claiming our good.

Mary claimed her good through faith in God. When an angel speaks, one listens!

I was reading a piece today from Dr Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science. He spoke about the fact that the only reason it is more difficult to manifest one million dollars than a dime is because someone told us. Somewhere along the life path, someone said a million is better, worth more than a dime and therefore is more difficult to manifest. Because someone told us. The holy connection begins right there - someone told us.

Listen to people who love, adore and believe in you.  Tell everyone you know; yes, you can succeed. Provide positive support to friends and family  and strangers alike; Yes, you can. I feel my interior cringe when I hear people say no. No, that cannot be done - no, that is a bad idea - no, that won't work. No, that is too hard - no, that sounds too difficult - no, that is not necessary - no, I do not have enough money - no, I have to wait, no, no, no, no. NO, its too hard - no, it has not been done before - no, I have never done that - no, I have always done it this way. No, no, no. Way too many no's in the world.

Yes,......sometimes we have to say no to what we do not want in order to say yes to what we do want. Say no to the fears, no to the voices in the head, no to anyone who is not supportive. This also takes faith, trusting in the not yet revealed, knowing God is always working for our Good.

Mary said Yes. And in saying Yes through her faith in God, Joseph joined her. She was given all she needed. God provided. Faith in the unseen, in the yet not experienced. No to the old stories and fears. Our faith is the bridge to the Cosmicness of life - Yes to and through our Faith. Faith in God can give us the courage to surrender and simply say 'yes.'

I said yes this past Sunday in going to a church I once had been part of, but had not been to in maybe two or more years. Seeing old friends and aquantiances fed me. And the BEST was there were other woman who had felt called and had not been for 1- 3 years!  We all said yes. There was an old friend  who just happened to be in town from Pittsburg! The joy list goes on and on. I said yes and it was wonderful!

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