I have strayed. And I know this because I have felt the physical manifestations of misalignment's in my body. My heart sings of disgruntledness. My left arm has been in pain, telling me I am not receiving well and carrying too many burdens. And yesterday, in the midst of a healing session with me as the beloved; I heard my kidneys and other elements of flow speak loudly of their imbalance and need for attention.
We all stray. It is the nature of being human. Even the most faith filled, spiritually practiced being will find him or herself at some point being tempted to being distracted away from what they believe in. For me, I know God. I know and believe in God to heal, fix, align, speak, touch, create, answer........at my beckon call. I know for a fact and beyond a shadow of doubt that God is here for me, that as long as I listen and take action upon Spirits guidance; life works out amazingly! And yet, I allow myself to get distracted. I forget. I fail to call upon.
Distraction and spiritual practice are friends. In a deep spiritual practice, the element of distraction will always attempt to sway you. And in the midst of being distracted - God will always be calling. It is the Divine Nature of both.
Distraction looks different for everyone, but we all know it. For the alcoholic it is the old friend who still calls but your relationship is built around five pm cocktails. Old friends. Now that's a powerful distraction. That one comes in many relationships. We outgrow them, or grow through them and still hang on. Ex's, was-bands, platonic friends. It is the energy which bonds you. Sometimes, even our families distract us. (Who does not know this one?!) We know what we know and then one person says one thing and zoooooooooooooooooom - we get sucked right in to old habits of thought, not even realizing we are allowing the energy of that old, negative, non empowering thought to plant another seed in our spiritual awareness. In that moment we are straying from our faith.
Distraction can be as easy and simple as a dinner invitation - and you are too afraid to say no thank you to the meat in case you hurt someones feelings because you chose to become a vegetarian and took a personal vow to your guru that you would never eat another soul again. Distraction can be the person you respect saying to you; that's silly, do you have any proof? And you shy away like a puppy with your tail between your legs and the teeniest seed of doubt is planted...........distraction can be a mate who does not take the journey with us or a brother or sister who thinks we are nuts. Or the distraction can be ever so subtle - do you have a cold? ....and then you begin thinking...do I? Do I believe in colds? I don't believe in germs......why would I have a cold? I take Zinc everyday- but they think I have a cold, may be I do believe in colds.....blah, blah, blah.
Distraction is a nasty little varmint. It keeps us caged up in our own fears with God doing whatever it takes to get our attention because we are so deeply loved by Spirit. You and I are so deeply loved by God that in Its infinite power and wisdom, God will do whatever It takes to get us to know It. It is the very Nature of God to mirror our beliefs to us in the outside world so we have an opportunity to see ourselves clearly. And we all know, sometimes we do not like what we see.
Recently, I have allowed myself to be distracted. As a minister, counselor, teacher - I have gotten caught up in my beloveds stories. I have begun to believe the lies they tell me about themselves. I am sick, they say and then I pay attention to the illness, knowing full well they are NOT sick. They are NOT the sickness, they are experiencing a time of imbalance and God is speaking to them to get back on track and pay attention to the possibilities of life. This is too hard...they whine. I then believe it IS too hard.....I can get caught up in ego - that I am the one healing, fixing, aligning them. I can forget that this is Gods work and God is the one healing and the God in them is connecting with God outside of them and they are dancing together into the realm of balance and harmony. When I forget, when I begin to think I am separate from God and have any authority what so ever; I become disgruntled. My heart feels sad and disconnected from Its source of Love - and it is - I am distracted from the Truth.
If we are going to say we believe, if we are going to choose to walk with God the Good, if we are going to speak of Truth - then we have to Trust - and no matter how it looks, seems or appears from any one elses perception - we keep saying 'Yes, God, yes'.
Our bodies are the best vehicle God has for talking with us. This is where God knows It will get our attention. Hey, you allowed yourself to be distracted so this is going to hurt for a while until you get back on board with me! Can you hear me now?????
I admit lately, in vulnerable honesty, I have found myself exhausted from all the whiney-nss I hear. People whine a lot. They whine about this and that. They whine for YEARS about the SAME thing, over and over again. Since this whiney-ness has been bothering me so immensely I innately know and trust the Law; that I am the one who is whining. I am being shown that I am whining about something and I better get off the pot, sort to speak, and get going in another direction! I am whining because I became distracted and forgot that all things are possible with God. It doesn't much matter who distracted me, or why or how. What does matter is that in one fleeting moment of time I left my faith. I turned away from God, from my faith in goodness and all that I believe in and then that moment built on this and on that and it got bigger and larger and heavier and older until oooooooooops...... there it is. Oh, look at that. Yuck.
This is what happens when we turn away from ourselves. Which comes first, the turning away or the distraction? Can't see the distraction until you turn away...and cannot turn away unless there is a distraction..............................does it matter? No. What matters is the Truth.
YOU are a bright, beaming, beautiful Light of God. YOU are an energetic spark of the Universal Consciousness we call God, this Great Isness of Life. YOU have within you an innate awareness of Love. This Love, when focused upon, paid attention to, nurtured, celebrated and given strength will continually expand, grow and magnify God the good as magnificence in your life.
Now, here is some real juiciness - when I met my husband he was part of a band called..."The Distractions". Ah-ha, yes, for real, honest. And it always bothered me, that name. It felt irreverent and I did not know why. Now I do.
In Gods Light and with much love, Deborah
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.