Friday, September 13, 2013

Greetings from my world! Been a while, I realize. Life, as everyone is saying, LIFE!

This has been quite a summer - no matter what moves you; ascension discussions, politics, the weather, family, healthcare, world crisis,religion, energy, spirituality; there is always something to dish about. For me, it is and has been not the immediate, but the larger focus; how do we see the blessing in all this, how are we allowing the good to be our guide, how do we faith our way through whatever the experience is at the moment? How do I reframe it for myself as well as others?

Right now, and this summer has been a rush of ascension symptoms. If this term is new to you, it refers to our individual responses of our individual consciousness' expanding into LOVE, under and with the great umbrellas of what is happening in the energetic over soul of our Universe. Simply, are we allowing the Good to permeate our lives? 

The most recent experience has been one of individuals being challenged to be true to
themselves. We each have certain beliefs which we use as a foundation for our lives. This has especially been showing up in whatever are our relationships, no matter what the relationship. weather it is personal, work, animal or human. We may feel challenged to accommodate another. We may be asked to do our work differently, not a huge shift, a very slight one, BUT it is a huge calling to stand firm in what we have made our own truth. At any other time or place in Life none of these would be such a huge experience, but now; if you are NOT true to yourself, you will get a spiritual 2x4 bump on the butt.  Examples:

- you are a black and white photographer only, it is what moves you, it is your passion, and a close friend wants to be your client, but please use color. You do it, and they come out awful, they are not happy with
them. Or they are happy and you do not want your name on them because you know they are not good.

***be honest, suggest a great color photographer for your friend.

- you are a therapist, and an old and dear
client wants to come to you for only an  hour, BUT the way you work, the way you have learned works best for you is a mix of many modalities which takes 2-3 hours. BUT you WANT to accommodate them.

- you only work from noon to 6. a client begs for an 8:00 am appointment.

***be honest, you are not available, but you will help them find or you will recommend others that you trust.

- you are no longer taking new patients, you get call from an old client who needs you.

- you have learned that in conversations it is best for you to wait until you are asked to enter it, to be invited, and one night you jump in. ( and this does not turnout well.)

- you have promised yourself you WILL manifest your new home. BUT others doubt, they tell you it is impossible to find such and such....and you feel fear rising...and you only look at what you do not want and it feels horrible.

- you make any promise to yourself; to not drink wine at the next family gathering, to not eat such and such, to only make choices which enhance your life, not pull you down; and then you balk, then you are untrue to yourself; and you wonder why the experience turned out so terribly.

At this moment in time, we cannot be untrue to ourselves. We CAN spend time shifting our consciousness and making a different choice; BUT it MUST be done with intention and in a conscious manner. NOT done out of fear, only shifted out of love. 

Only make choices out of love.

Do not betray yourself.

Show up on your life as YOU ARE! If you do not, the Good awaiting you cannot find you.

This is the same law used throughout all choice making. Remember when you were young and wanted so desperately for that boy or girl to like you and you went and wore clothes, or faked interests, JUST to get them to like you? BUT THEY WERE NOT LIKING YOU! You were not being YOU.

Please, be you the kind, loving, magnificent self you came here to be. 

Infinite Blessings & Love, Deborah