Sunday, July 21, 2013

how far can you think?

last evening i sat on our porch watching the fireflies dance and admiring the almost full moon bathe the fields in light. in these moments I know the great mystery.

this morning i sit on the same porch, in gratitude for the air which is circulating. i wonder if the leaves and limbs and brush are grateful for the movement? i wonder if  when the curtains blow and move they feel anything? if life force is in all things, then why not?

i wonder why the birds bathe in the dirt, fluttering their wings as if in water? does the dirt help to remove sticky stuff?

i wonder if when the birds are in the birdbath, are they singing with gratitude for the wetness and coolness against their teeny bodies?

i wonder, when I step outside and the mother deer rises from the fields, does she hear me sharply as I open the slider door or do her instincts tell her to raise herself from sleep? I wonder, does the baby speckled fawn consciously follow the mother or stand and jump off of her own knowing?

i wonder why every one does not realize that it is the love connection we seek. I wonder why it is so unclear with wounded distractions that one cannot simply see that love is why we are here and love is what every person seeks. it is in love and loving that we are aware of our innate connection with God.

i wonder if at any time on earth, will all souls realize together, that the Love of God is all we are seeking - that any other love falls short.

i wonder how many people realize that addictions/distractions - (sexual, drug, alcohol, lying, food, pain, etc.) - are ways to distract one from the fact that they are avoiding opening their hearts to God?

i wonder how many truly feel the love of God, of the Great Mystery in their lives as the One, the connection of all connections.

i understand why we each have to walk our own paths and do our own journey and that no one else can do it for us - and I wonder, would we have humanness without the need to evolve?  would there still be a cosmic need for the human form if we did not require THIS journey to support our individual and therefore collective involution?

i believe that the ones who make it tough for us on earth, who challenge our egos, who dislike us, who hurt us: we love the most when not in body. they help us to evolve in love. this allows me gratitude for/ to them.

i believe that when we hate, anger and condemn we are building disease in our own human instrument.

i love you through the love I am aware with God. it is the only way to truly love.

how far can you think?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ridin' the River!

July 2013

In Honor of my beloved clients/congregants:

July 2013 may go down in spiritual involution history as a mega month.  The level of potential the universal overlay has expanded to is so very immense, so filled with love, so deep, wide and of such pure unconditional love; that every cell of your being is being touched. We have before us, in this moment, every opportunity to become all which we have dreamed we could ever be.

Then why is it so difficult? Why is this pain in the butt issue resurfacing itself again when you thought it was over? Why can you not get OVER or through that particular experience? Why can you know something SO well intellectually, but NOT get to the shift you KNOW is possible? Why? Why? Why?

Understand this: the massive heat waves are reflections of what is happening in the universal overlay. Think about it. Imagine a pressure cooker………………………

Imagine this: You are going down a river in a boat. You are in it all by yourself. You can see the end…you can sense there is a finish…the stream is carrying you – you realize if you try to control it, another words fighting or going against the nature of the ride, you will rock the boat, you may tip over – so you sit and watch. You may hit some rough spots, watch them go by. You may lose some items from the boat as you bash the rocks or a wave takes them or the rapids carry you. But you keep holding your center. Your hands are on the seat, you breathe, you imagine the end. You imagine the calmness, the gentleness of the drifting into the settled feeling of the end of this ride. You imagine the moment when the bottom of your boat touches land and the movement of the waves, the turbulence of the river itself, the very nature of the water against rocks; ceases. No more jets, no more unexpected waterfalls, no more rocks, no more rapids.

Was it worth the ride?

All you can do is watch. Keep your center. You cannot get out and move the rocks. You cannot stop the rapids – they are part of the nature of the river. The nature of change is discomfort, especially when you hold on too tight. People hold on too tight when they lack faith, when they try to control. Change CAN be rather entertaining – when we let go and let God.

This stream of God consciousness is all around you and has avenues of life force pouring through you – it is always moving, always calling, always beckoning you towards and as it – BUT if you are in the way – well, can you say spiritual 2 x 4?

*You know you are in the way if you are in pain.

*You know you are in the way if you are emotionally attached to anything.

*You are in the way if you are trying to figure out what to do.

*You know you are in the way if your story hasn’t changed.

*You are in the way if you’re wondering what your next move should be.

*You are in the way if you are ‘worried’ about anything.


Oh, you’re a rock. I see you.

Oh, you’re a rapid. I feel you.

Oh, you’re a jetty…..look at you swirl the boat around.


LET GO AND LET GOD. No matter what it is, do it.

Last week a client asked me how come always have time for her? Why aren’t  I busier?

I am busy. Very busy. My schedule is full. BUT I let God handle my schedule. It is always perfect. I never worry what if, will I have time, how many clients? I also never time hard boiled eggs. I always get a prod when they are done. HAND IT OVER.


Take yourself out of it. That is what the river ride teaches us. You may not have conscious control over the ride, but you DO have choice as to how you see it and that perception will instantly shift how you experience it.  And that experience will in turn shift your vibration and your future experiences.
Intellectual understanding is the first level of getting something – of understanding the laws I offer. BUT change does not happen at the level of understanding. Change happens at the level of vibration. The feeling level. The emotional level. The vibe level. The God connection level.

The moment many are experiencing is the moment of understanding intellectually – but not yet embodying.  The moment many are experiencing is that they have the mind part – they FEEL relief when with me, when we talk – BUT in the everyday they have yet to let go and let God. How do I do that? Tell me what to do Deborah and I will do it! 

Change your face – look at something different. Pray. Meditate upon the good. Give to others what you wish for. Do anything which brings you JOY. Faith is a practice.  Knowing something intellectually and the spiritual path of unraveling  is like learning the piano – you can play a piece well when it is front of you – practice goes well, you learn more and more the more you practice – but at the moment you are onstage – you freeze. Or now is like college – okay, you have a degree, good for you – know go learn how to use it. Now is what happens when someone is very smart – mind  intelligence is good, it is on the road map to the heart – but not until you let go and fly will you  know God…or know what you REALLY know at a deep level.

In this moment in time, many are experiencing a rough ride, an intense ride focused on a long term kernel at the bottom of the popcorn bowl.  That one piece which is left uncooked and if you gnash down on it will break a tooth. Don’t. Let it be. Trust. Now is the time to let go and fly – to watch God work miracles. Step out of the way – give it over.

*You will know you have handed something over when you truly do not think about it anymore.

*You will know you have handed something over when your answer is, God is in charge of this. Not me.

*LOVE is the bridge. Intellectual understanding leads us to practice, practice leads us to Love, love leads us to trust and trust brings us to letting go.

We are in the letting go facet  – the hardest part. The most profound part.  Up till this point you have practiced – now, you are in the big leagues! You may have practiced on things which you were not that attached to, you may have practiced with folks you did not have emotional connection with, you may have practiced with experiences which you could take or leave – BUT NOW you can take all the faith you can muster and give it over, this important something, this experience, this painful whatever it is – and behold God.

Recent Ascension Symptoms:

* The moment you make a decision to do something, you forget.

* The moment you decide to go there, (wherever there is) you forget why.

* The moment you try to have control over your schedule, SOMETHING comes in and messes it up!

* You are in pain about something; physical or emotional.

* Sleeplessness.

* You feel strongly / attached about a choice YOU made and then BAMM ! An outside something changes it. (You are in the WAY!)

* LightBeings are finding increased sensitivities to foods – knowing what you can and cannot take in your body.

* LightBeings are hearing another voice, which is not referred to as a guide or from spirit(non-physical) realm, but their own higher voice, their own innate wisdom…...the wisdom of God, the wisdom which IS.
If you have been on a conscious spiritual awakening path in recent years, you cannot be in the world right now the way you have been. You have learned many things, read many books, listened to many workshops and teachers; your vibration has changed. IF you are in the midst of interior conflict and you are trying to do it the OLD way – and you feel disconnected. Because you are. The new way is not a natural response yet and it feels award and uncomfortable and is  called: TRANSFORMATIION. It feels like riding a rapid river. So, hold steady. Practice faith. Talk to the old way and tell it is no longer is your highest path to take…….you are now taking this path:

 “Today I let go and let God. I hand over this and this and this. I step away for the experience and KNOW that God is handling  this  better for everyone and my faith shows me; God knows best!”