Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Vibrational Race

Some moments I have so much to say I hesitate; where to begin? Is there a beginning? Actually, no there are as many beginning as there are souls. And in the past couple of months ‘they’ have not let me write every time I want to write, to share, they say no, not now.  I have been asked to retain all efforts for my clients as well as my home. But this morning, they say yes. ……………………………..Thank you!!!

We are coming upon the last day of the Mayan calendar, according to Carl Calleman and from my seat, it has been quite a ride. I agree this has been only my experience but since my vision can be rather wide and deep, I hope these comments will support and lend guidance, relief and understanding. As an energy practitioner and spiritual teacher my interests do not lie to the societal shifts, ( I do not watch wall street or other linear effects of these shifts) but rather my sight and gifts allow me to interpret with a cosmic awareness the  personal path one’s human emotions play in the spiritual expansion of an individual’s human consciousness.   Since our awareness as a whole is built upon the many my deep passions and interests lie in the root energies of each person’s wounds and the healings which allow for awareness’s to be revealed and therefore actions of choice to be taken to which allow movement forward and, away from ………….seeing the end results of head and heart in alignment with unconditional love; the Christ Consciousness.


In the past month many souls have been given opportunities’ to see and make choices in reference to boundaries.  Healthy boundaries are one of the major energetic facets of a healthy, aware soul. One must learn that one cannot ‘do’ for another.  No souls can make, force or other, another person to change,  nor can one do enough for another person so they will feel better,  The spiritual awakening is an interior shift, one which takes place on a vibrational level within each of us. As an individual we are the only one who can do  our own walk. We cannot  do it for our friends, or sisters and brothers, or parents, spouses  or children.

Emotional boundaries are at the core of any healthy relationship, especially the relationship you have with yourself.  What has been seen this summer is that individuals have been seeing THEIR own stances where they as an individual stand on various matters, what they as an individual will allow, like, deem appropriate or not.  Souls have had revealed to them their own opinions, beliefs and values.

Generational Healing

The second facet the Light has shined upon is the issue of generational healing souls being willing and able to see the emotional histories of family and the effects they are living out by believing the stories as the truth. This type of work has taken great courage and this level of courage has been supported by and through Divine Intelligence and allowed through the great Light Vibration which is now present.
No More Veil/Separation

The phrase, ‘the veils are thin’ was once common now, there is no veil.  There literally is no there and here. There is no through the veils the veil is open; wide open. This veil once referred to spirit world and what people saw as our world.  Due to this incredibly amazing fact, dreams are now an opportunity for many to be immersed in other planes of life. Many of my students and clients have had strengthened dreamtime, visitations from shaman totems and physical comfort from dead loved ones.

(For some this has been common communication, but for many this is a recently new form of communication.)

and  joy are what we  experience when we are fully aligned with God.

To feel joy is an authentic state of euphoria, which historically humans have (craved)  made sad yet necessary attempts at finding through various addictions. BUT NOW, one is able to feel pure JOY like never before. This I find to be the most beautiful effect of the Light which is the effect of our collective awakening to feel such Bliss for being alive, for being here now, for being aware of a brief and beautiful moment in life which is free from addictions of any kind to feel utter interior joy for God, for the Universal Divine Vibration of Love which floods our spirits and enlivens us to bliss!!!!!!! To feel, truly feel, the breath of awareness of infinite, or always, of love from the deepest space of your being to feel peace. Peace of knowing that the beauty and love of God is coming from within you and not anything you need to search for outside of yourself to be so much in love with Spirit and what one may refer to as a cosmic awareness of Life Itself to be bursting with so much gratitude for your breath for knowing that we are eternal beings, here for a short time to experience yet more of this emotional play and to feel unattached to the path, yet committed to the unraveling to know that our work is to simply love through our hearts and to realize  there is nothing to figure out, nothing to create, nothing to do ……………

I am always amazed at the resiliency of the human being.  To see the energies which many grow up in, the path one has chosen in order to evolve into an awakened being and to see souls come through this path with an open heart is the only proof of God I need. To witness what one individual human body, mind and heart can endure and yet witness one make it through to the other side, to being present with history yet not attached to the story, to see souls forgive, to witness souls awaken to compassion and therefore free their own heart of being burdened - to watch, hear and feel souls take 100% responsibility of their own perceptions to experiences this fills my heart with joy.


A cosmic understanding of finite vs. infinite is necessary for the intellectual spiritual development of the human to move beyond attachments of the mind and human sight to seeing through the heart center.  The extraordinary vibration of The Light, which this summer reached never before peak pulsations and magnitudes on this plane, allowed for a greater understanding of infinite which only can be understood through the interior awareness. Finiteness is a quantum something-ness which is an illusion through believing in exterior motivations and linear stories.   When one’s mind can wrap itself around true infinity of all, then we have the root  substance of God Consciousness. When one can take this understanding of Infinity of All and apply it to any experience or perception; then healing can take place; as healing is the absolute aligning of ones cells with God through ones beliefs of God.

If someone is struggling right now, it is due to their belief in the exterior as the place from which they come from  in their perceptions of Life. To know God and to be grounded in Divine Intelligence is to come from the interior and now is the MOST perfect time to align with such cosmic juiciness.

If you are  in fear, you believe more in the outside than the inside.

If you are feeling depressed you are focusing on the outside rather than the inside.

If you are wavering, sad, heavy, burdened, angry….you are waiting for something on the outside to change you must  shift your thoughts to shift your vibration on the interior to see the exterior differently and for the exterior to be different.

I would also like to express that since we are now a vibrational  race, (Thank you God!) Flower Essences are truly the medicine of now.  Flower Essences support the vibrational shifts necessary for healing, alignment with the Divine Cosmos) to take place in all cells of your being.

 This is such an extraordinary time to be in human form!   My deep love to you and your clan, your pods, your families may you be expressing in Love, feeling joy and being blissed out when you can and if you are not here yet may you be gentle and faithfilled, receiving the support you want and desire to allow your consciousness to shine in and as the Love of God.

All things are possible with God. All.
