Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Today,( and when I am in the flow and awareness of God), I expect remarkable good in my life. I expect to see good I have never seen before. I expect God to move through my life, against all human thought and ideas and history and do what has never been done before. I expect God to do remarkable things in my life, because God only does remarkable things.  I expect unexpected good to be my experience. I expect remarkable healing, loving men and women, joy to pour through my day and I absolutely expect God to continually surprise me with more and more prosperity in all things.

As many of you know and read; we are in a most remarkable time. It seems no matter where I turn my eyes and read, I am being reminded of the good and trans formative times we are in - and the ways and means by which God is oversouling all illusions.

I am seeing clients healed of what 'they' were told they could not be.
I am seeing minds and hearts open to love.
I am seeing souls aligned with a loving and good God who cares for them in comfort and ease.
I am witnessing, every day, the good which is God.

Everyday I am yet again transformed through someones message of love, healing and/or pure joy.

Everyday God brings to me what I asked to see and yet everyday I am continually blown away and cry in tears of bliss over the amazement my beingness feels - always expecting and yet always in awe.

May your day be richly blessed by Love and in all ways may your mind,body and Spirit know the greatness of God - for God has great things to do through you!

"Today God has great things to do through me."

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What Do You Expect?

I am not awake yet - just barely. In the midst of being half asleep and feeling the cool air which had filled my bedroom during the nighttime....I heard The Voice - ask them; What do you expect?

I always ask my clients what is you intention today? - before they lay on the table. Now, I see and feel and shudder with the truth, it is what they expect that it is even more profound. It is what we expect at every moment which is deeply, mind blowingly and sometimes excruciatingly leading.

What do you expect this prayer to do for you? What do you expect this healing session of laying of hands, REIKI, energy medicine to do for you? Through you? What are your expectations?

Upon that moment of half sleep, half awake this morning...I had this epiphany that any ego frustration I may have, lays in the vast separation of a clients expectations and mine - and it is their expectations that are so very critical. I can see that when I am wise enough to poke a hole in their expectations in order to expand their awareness of all which is possible//the outcome can be different.

Do you have faith in God or not and what does that faith do for you? Do you expect good, abundance, joy, health, outrageous fun or not? OR do you simply depend on the past, on genetics, on your what was to tell you what your will be will look like? Are you depending on another person to tell you what you potential is or are you going for the brass ring?

One client may come to me for comfort - it may be all their mind can possibly comprehend - while I am expecting them to be free of pain, cured/healed of a label. If I have done my work as well as I should at any moment; all my clients SHOULD be able to hear the idea that perhaps this or that is a possibility.

Everyone one of us has the same Divine Potential for spiritual expansion which is beautifully reflected in our bodies and lives. This learning, knowing of infinite possibility must be a part of ones awareness for it to even be considered by them as a what if.

So, right now, you are reading this: what do you expect? What do you expect your day to be like? What do you expect your body to feel like? Do you expect to hear positive news from the doctor or not?  Do you expect your job to add stress to your life or do you expect to breeze through it with grace? Do you expect the visit with your family to go well or do you expect short fuses?

I am not speaking of what you hope, what you wish for, what would be nice...i really mean it! What do you EXPECT!?

We expect what we know and until we change what we know we will keep getting the previous expectations. Our faith in God allows us to expect something different, new and never seen before. Our faith in the yet to be revealed allows our eyes to be blessed with new sight, our hearts to feel new love and our minds to know more good.

The ego loves to stay with what it knows - anything new is a threat. When you wish to change your mind and you feel uncomfortable, or wish to feel better and cannot or would like to have your life experience be different than it is: one has to surrender (ego dissolution), in order to allow the light of new expectations to manifest in your experience.

What do you expect? If you expect to feel better you will ! If you expect to get such and such accomplished you will! If you expect good you will see good..............but when you continually depend on what the past has taught you, or what others are telling you or what you automatically and unconsciously allow to seep into your expectations; the outcome will not change.

Change your thoughts, expect new, see the potential, know the possibility.

What do you expect?

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Real Work Begins

Many souls are asking - what the heck is going on? Why is it so difficult?  From weather to economy to government to empty bank accounts to simply being CRANKY like never despondent, get the picture.

People I love and care about are in the midst of very difficult times. Several emails every week from souls wanting to understand what is going on?

It is an old analogy, but so very true - when the lights are finally turned on, you see how dirty the room really is. All the dust, hidden stuff, secrets packed away.....all the stuff the darkness was hiding - or at least pretending to hide from you. And then you go and do it, you turn the light on - and some days you wish you hadn't.

Simply true; the more light, the more you see. All these years we have been praying to have our consciousness raised to such a degree that Love would fill the world with Light - not so comfortable, is it?

Anything that is NOT of the Light will show up. Think about it - simple science. Lights on, see all. Lights off, see nothing.

You may reach a certain level of expansion in your life and realize you marriage is not what you want.
You may reach a certain level of open-heartedness and see your husband is an alcholic - and you've lived with him for over ten years and never knew!
You may reach a level of faith and see that or this or it or that............................... was there all along. It was always there - that experience. It didn't just happen because the light went on, you see it because the light went on.

You have a realization you really want to do this in your life, not that. You see your child needs to move out. You see your government is not all that good at what they do. You see that human behavior is mostly pretty stupid. You see there is a great deal of good in the world. You see that you want to quite your job and paint for a living. You see you really ARE good at what you do.

We hide. Humans are excellent at it. We hide from ourselves all the time.

It was there ALL the time. The love, the joy, the potential. Yet, right when the lights are turned on, after being off for lifetimes, there is a lot of dust to move through before the glory can be  enjoyed. Now that the lights are on, the real work begins.