Friday, August 26, 2011


Describing the present energies is a formidable task. I feel called to share my observations in order for others to know they are not alone.

Despite and due to the universal energies, shifts and vibrations, we are seeing effects one can only categorize as daunting and intimidating.
(One can read the horoscopes, study the different teachings about the galactic plates shifting, know about the weather and global shifts, be aware of the Mayan prophecies….but….) As a student and teacher of soul journeys and the effects of our thoughts and beliefs on our individual lives; I feel my front row seat is rather interesting, unique and incredibly humbling.

The effect, (from the Universal Shifts and heavenly opportunities of time and space) can be described as NOW. The one thing you have always wanted is here; that ONE thing, choice, experience, dream, desire, longing, you have always thought about, prayed upon - is here. That precipice; the scraggy ledge, that edge in time and space - quantum and linear, has come together and cosmically aligned; aligned with and as your journey of NOW. People are at a point where the one thing they have hid from their whole lives – is calling. That ONE teaching, that ONE immense fear, that ONE area of wanting; is HERE now. That one aspect of their individual healing which will allow them to fly…..if they only say yes.
Perhaps it snuck up on you – or feels that way. That one thing you always asked for. Perhaps it shocked you, surprised you, came at the most unexpected, moment; that one opportunity. It is as if people who are wanting are standing on the edge of their own journey, that individual fork in this life they chose – and when it use to seem so simple, although incomplete; and as if they ever dreamed they would have an actual chance of this, thinking it was only a dream; and as if God would only hear me I could do that or I want to do this so much; and now, they may be frozen in fear.

OR they be soaring in love!
Come to the edge and fly! Standing on the edge is uncomfortable. It is a space of delicate balance. If I take just one more step, one more small step…I will be in totally new territory, the unknown. If I say yes, just one small word, to this thing, this idea, this that I once only dreamed of – how do I know? How do I know I will succeed? How do I know I will do it well? How do I know? How do I know it will work out?

You don’t. But your Faith in that which brought you to this place does.  

Allow the Humor

‘Beneath our egos, deep in the guts of our stories, hiding in the dankness of our victimhood, feeding upon the bile of our shame; is the humor.
The humor will raise us from the stories upon which we climb, stringing together heartaches, pain, guilt and remorse.

A weak and unstable bridge is built – and as the foundation cracks open, we gain momentum, not wanting to drop into the ethers of the vastness of one’s family sorrow – but rather to use this bridge formed of tears in order to reach our place of victory.’

The secrets are out.  (Thank God!) Let go or get dragged. Climb up or get run over. Breathe through and take that step. Say yes.

The two complaints are:

1.  “It is so hard.” Yes, it is difficult to let go of one’s ego and trust in God. Get over it.

2.   “I can’t.” No, you cannot do this alone, you are absolutely correct – do it with God.


-      Not everyone is going to like you. (get over it.)
-      Not everyone is going to agree with your actions and choices. (get over that to.)
-      You are not here to please everyone else –(for those are only personalities.) -  you are here to please, serve and be in joy with that which is greater than i.

No matter what the outer experience looks like right now; it is most undeniably about letting go of ones ego and coming into Oneness with another’s heart. Forgive. Who? Yourself, your parents, your spouse, your children. Do it.

Forgiveness does not mean you stay or go or leave or run or even like – it simply means you forgive. It means you stop blaming, finding fault and ridiculing. It means you place yourself in a place of not intellectually understanding why or how – but in blind faith know we EACH have made choices which have affected another person in what appears to be an insensitive or painful way. Our humanness. Get over it.
Do you trust God or not? I have been sounding like a broken record with this statement over the past three months with friends and clients. Walk your talk or get pulled under the bus. Now.

How will I know? You will know you are walking your talk because you will feel empowered. Empowered beyond anything you ever felt before. You will know, by the way your heart feels and the words you speak and the feelings you have; you will know you are a soul who has taken the great plunge into the unknown with God and said Yes to your journey – this wonderful, amazing journey of love.

Bless you, bless you, bless you.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

tagging last post

i went outside to commune with the hawks and on the pond was a joyous show of twelve ducks bathing, splashing, preening, making noise, lots of water, like 12 two year olds in a wading pool....chasing each other, spreading their wings to get water in all the right places......such joy. and then, there, to my left, three young bucks along the ridge. gallivanting proudly like two 17 yr old boys and then a younger brother, say ten......antlers just coming up to size.........following behind, taking cues from the leaders.......stop, listen, go......

all things honoring their natural rhythms.


I love fall. It is my favorite time of year, and no doubt what may be the driving force in me living my life in New England. Nature, the natural cycle of the essence of life itself lets us know when.........if we only listen, feel and allow our hearts to interpret.

This past week the bluebirds, starlings and other summer feathered friends are quiet, the crows have been louder, the hawks screeching often and we have a very loud owl who praises night fall. I know this, because my windows are now open.....allowing for my senses to be filled, touched and glorified!

I have friends who are hot weather women. I am not one of them. Living at the ocean is the only way I can love the heat...............i need air flow. I require flow. I need circulation, movement. I have to have it. In all aspects of my life. I must know I am shifting, growing, changing, allowing for flow. Stagnant is my least favorite four letter word.

The Farm lets me know when the season is changing. I don't need a date book or calendar or school year to tell me. The air tells me. The groundhogs weight tells me. The birds tell me.

My yearning for tea rather than coffee tells me. I know fall is in the air when I desire tea. I know summer is upon me when I desire coffee. My own unique rhythms.

We each have our own unique cycles. Our lives are greatly eased when we listen to them and with reverence; choose actions upon the information gathered. When I was a 'young thing' I would have called them red I know it is more than intuition; it is in all-ways the wisdom of the nature of all that i am speaking to me, guiding me, prodding me along this path of my individual journey.

For instance, I have a relative who does not understand why I drink tea in the fall and coffee in the summer - it SHOULD be the other way is too hot for summer......blah, blah, blah. (When I then am in the midst of the full change of the season, grasping for tea one moment and coffee the will put them right over the edge! If they only knew the Laws of Transformation, they would not be unsettled.) Now, if we go thru our lives doing the should dance, that is exactly what it turns to; a chaotic dance.

I have this small gift. I never have to time hard boiled eggs. Ever since I was a kid, I just know when they are done. I don't watch the clock, I do not fret nor think about it; i put them on and then take them off when I think of it. Yellow, perfect, done.

Some people want something outside of themselves to tell them when they are done, or when it is done, or when it is time. You have an inner clock. You have all you need. This nature of things is what YOU are. There is this Divine Nature of Life; the Essence of God which lies within and with out all things. Trust it. Find out how it works, how to use it, apply it and reap the benefits from It; and TRUST it.

Trust your own unique cycles, trust the God within and without,, to go sit outside and commune with that hawk.  

Monday, August 8, 2011

In Our Own Way!

Dear God,

"Please help me stay out of your way.  I see how we just get in your way ALL the time. I ask you, help me stay out of your way today - all day, one moment at a time. When I get in your way, I am in my OWN way. It is really wierd that way. I want you so much, I want to see you, feel you, know you - and I HAVE to get out of my way, your way, our order to allow you access!
Please, keep me out of my own way."

Thank you and Amen! 

Things we do that keep us in our own way! Or The things we do that prevent us from being aware of our Oneness with God.

1.  Worry.
2.  Complain.
3.  Control situations, or think we are controlling anything!
4.  Butt in before we are invited.
5.  Judge, ridicule
6.  ......and find fault with others. 
7.  Gossip
8.  Be afraid.
9.  Be unkind.
10.  Say No too often.
11.  Look outside ourselves rather than inside ourselves.
12.  Say I should, I have to and feel obligated.
13. Come from our heads, not our hearts.
14. Think too much, for too long about anything.
15. Refuse to feel......ignoring our heart centers........the very place that God speaks.

All things are possible with God, but first, you have to get out of your own way. 

Love & Blessings, Deborah

Monday, August 1, 2011

Intimate Prayer

Deep in prayer this early morning i feel small. The birds sing loudly and tears roll down my cheeks as i offer myself to God for love - to be love on this day, to never forget myself, to stand in love, to offer love, to know and never forget nothing more than i am a woman in the midst of humanity, praying that any difference i might make, any moment my small self may vibrate - that this may be for good. On my knees, by my bedside, like a child, i continually offer myself  to Grace that i be used for good, that in any small way i may support  a vision of grace to descend upon the hearts of those few whose lives entwine with mine.

i gaze upon others, in awe and with shame & some coveting - who support grace in the world in linear big ways; famous, commercially successful and other; and then i gaze upon my own calling and the callings of so many souls i know, to support in love others - one heart at a time. And i once again continually offer myself up and in, surrendering in the knowing that the will of God is good, purposeful and knows - that my small, tiny, mostly uknown self may be offering good unto the world.

Thank you God for yet another day to entwine my heart with others and seek, find and bathe in your love. May my small self do some good today, may i may not waste my time here.