Friday, May 20, 2011

What Would You Do....?

With all the rain in the Northeast these past few weeks, day dreaming has been a constant past time.  I could be self righteous, say I have been using the spiritual gift of imagination, have been visioning, have been manifesting....... and I have, but in all my humanness; I have been day dreaming. I have been experiencing a constant interior philosophical conversation - all going on in my mind and heart non-stop......what would I do?

I do not know any one who does not want to have more money, to win the lottery, to strike it huge in the financial freedom monetary line of manifestations. I am included. But recently it has been different. After you buy your dream home and new cars - then what? After you help out family and friends - then what? I have been quite enticed by the gifts that people like Oprah and Ellen have instituted with their wealth, connections and imagination in order to create platforms for others. Ellen just started her own record label; 11:11. And many of us are aware of the accomplishments of Oprah. My heart has gone to what would I do? What would I create in order for others to benefit?

Seriously. Many of us say we would give money here and there. We would feed, we would clothe, we would tithe, we would give much of it away - but isn't  it greater and just as important a gift to create something others can benefit from in order to grow, explore, substantiate, use as a foundation or as I like to see it; a platform from which to jump off from? ..something which lives on beyond our homes, stuff and our life itself? Ellen's record label benefits all. She loves music, talent has a place to express and grow, others reap the joy of the music..... people get to live their dreams, new jobs are created........ I like the idea of buying homes for friends; but what platform could I create? It's a big serious question.

I immediately contemplate our education system in our society, and how to help many to benefit - how to create a platform from which teachers could feel supported.  (There is also a certain puppeteer I would like to support and get her in every school across the universe!) I think of holistic health care; how to educate, make available to others on a grand scale opportunities to choose holistic options when their bodies, minds and spirits are in crisis. I think of various boards I have sat on and how if they had the funds, their voices could be more effectual. I vision creations of redefining boards and choosing where to place monies for the arts, for creating, for choices of freedoms.  What type of platform in order to benefit the masses?  How to teach others to fish, rather than simply giving them the net full of fish?

When we seriously contemplate this, as well as the joy of simply gifting, it begins to create awareness's of bigness. We tend to think small. It takes Oprah's and Ellen's to guide us and example for us the gift of grand.

And of course, it is always about God. This is in all ways about the gifts of teaching and making available opportunities for others to indulge in the non physical aspects of life - to learn individually that there is a non physical greatness awaiting their awareness and when one sees it, feels it and allows the cords of light to infiltrate their minds and then to let their imaginations run wild with the gift of affecting others, creating for the benefit of humankind; well it has the potential to change everything.

What would you do....?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Do We Rejoice?

Of recent world events I am feeling ashamed and sad for many who I know and do not know. The publicity, joy and time the media, in news and entertainment as well as those I see on FB are giving to the joy of the death of another human is at moments more than I can bare. Allowing it to enter my energy field allows for deep contemplation of loving, Oneness and right mindedness.

Although I do not like it, I do believe there can be such lack of knowing God that what we are looking at is ‘evil’. (LIVE back words.) There is no doubt that historically, we have witnessed such deep and dark souls in human form that they violate the gift of life with a vengeance unknown to most that our fear and lack of comprehension of such choices leave us nothing else but to permanently renounce and ‘kill; to take the life breathe from them, in order for a life of living to exist.

As much of a woman of God as I am, as much as I live my life aligned with do no harm – I do see that in this world there will always be polarity. There will always be the dark and light, the extremes of lack and fullness. It is how it is here on this earth plane. In as much as I work with less formidable lack in my ministry and healing practice, there has been occasion to bring out a more aggressive mind set in order to denounce inappropriate behaviors, beliefs and/or energies. I do not like it, but I do understand.

With the above stated, there does exist such darkness and lack of Love that one cannot meet that energy in Love. We must meet that energy where that energy resides.

And after we meet it there, after persons who have taken on the role of killer and killed, after the souls who chose to be in the authoritative space of having to watch another human have the life breathe taken from them, after we know that hundreds have died at the hand of another being, after we believe all that we are told, after we send in highly trained beings to vanquish, (on one level) evil from our lives – should we rejoice?

“Mother, Father, God – the Infinite Universal Presence, the Creator and ALL which is Created – we ask You to dwell among us and through us that those who are unaware of You as their Source are healed and within them the cellular memory of You is made manifest for them to breathe as their pure life force. Our Sacred Oneness is that which You are and as we embody through our minds and allow You to reach deep into our hearts -- we DO renounce all that is lack of God. Our prayers go to each of us – to Your global community, that we may not rejoice in the loss of a life – but that we may continue to stay on a path of righteousness, of seeking You, of love and loving. That we may continue to seek out the loving goodness in all beings and for those who are protecting us - in the physical and non-physical - from that which has not yet been made aware of You –– we pray their safety.”