I have been contemplating the art of receiving of late...yet maybe not, I was actually contemplating the act of giving - and just yesterday, one of the many souls I am blessed to witness mentioned to me how she was practicing receiving and how very wonderful it is. So, I got thinking...........
Are you good at receiving? So many take the conscious road of giving - of learning to tithe, giving of our time and talents and treasures.........some do it by buying a lot of things and gifting to others...some, like me, love the practice of receiving a complement and then offering the item as a gift - right then and there.
This happened two weeks ago - I was in what I call my blissful state of being - a smiley grin across my face, feeling "light as a feather!"....and was walking out of the florist holding a bouquet of white star gazer lilies and white hydrangeas. The woman had just locked her car, as she approached me saying...'those are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen!' she was mesmerized - I stopped. I offered. She bent her head down toward her chest with a loud, 'oh, no, I caaaaaannnnnttttttttttttttttt!'........................and I offered again, explaining it would make me very happy to give her these - to bring her joy..............and again, the head bent down towards her chest, to hide her face and explain to me, 'oh, no, I caaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnntttttttt.'.......and one more time I explained how I had bought these for myself and I can do whatever I want with them and..................well, you get it.
She slowly backed away not knowing how to respond from random generosity, or random love...........and I shared there were more inside, perhaps she can buy her self some. That she could handle.
I have a beautiful client, an adorable 80 year old woman who is now doing her work, so many blessings! She and I had the recent conversation about this one person in her life who is not giving her what she wants and how in our humanness we blame that person for not being 'good', for not being 'polite', for not doing the 'right' thing. And of course God led us to the perfect picture, how this wonderful being, for 80 years, has always given/done for others, but never let others do for her. Never. Even now getting her to accept a moment of love is like seeing Jesus walk on water. It's more than rare. And the best part is she got it. The Universe is about giving and receiving and you are either ARE or you are NOT. And of course the perfect Spirit humor is that by receiving we are giving - being an opening for God, for others to experience the joy of giving. (One of Gods win-wins.)
Do you receive love freely? Do you allow others to do for you? Do you always have to be the one making the tea? Do you insist on others not doing..................are the one who always will be there for others but never let anyone be there for you?
How many times a day do you say no to love? How often do you say no thank you, I'm busy. Or not now, I have to work. How often do you look for ways to be important, but how often do you let others feel important?
Yes, I would love that!
Yes, you can drive me.
Yes, we would love to come for dinner.
Yes, I would be thrilled to live for free in your time share for three weeks.
Yes, I would LOVE those flowers.
Yes, you may gift me some bodywork.
Yes, I would LOVE that!
Yes, okay, go ahead, you can pay me more than I asked for......if you must!
Yes, you can come help me while I am sick.
Yes, you can walk my dog for me.
Yes, you can rub my feet.
Yes, yes, yes!
Do we feel forced to give anonymously because we are so not good at receiving?????
The act of giving to others is Spirit in action. We have many opportunities as a society to give to those less fortunate or in devastation; but how often do you allow others to give to you on a daily basis? To tithe to you personally, of their love, money, time, belongings; simply because they want to - simply because God has urged them from the inside out to love all over you!?
How often during your day can you recognize that God is giving to you through another human being?
Smile at people. Say hello. Greet others with a good day, have a blessed day, enjoy your day. Look them in the eye, stop, be present. Such a gift.
Receive freely and with great abandon all the good Spirit has for you. If you want great abundance in your life, if you want love, if you desire friendship, if you wish for community - giving and receiving are a complete circle.
I say bring it on. Bring on the love.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Earth Prayer
Mother Earth,
We love you - we calm our hearts in order for you to feel our humbling awe of your power and magnificence.
Let all life be secure in the unfoldment of your power.
Let our love instill and pour into your ground our vibrations of Oneness.
Let your oceans be stilled through our joy and serenity as we share our hearts with you.
Mother Earth, Father Sky, Calming Waters -
Let our awakening be filled with Grace as our soul vibrations expand to (an) awareness of universal Oneness.
Let our hearts see calm.
Let our hearts feel calm.
Let our hearts be calm.
My heart sees calm.
My heart feels calm.
My heart is calm.
My vibration of calmness spreads into the earth and seeps into the rivers and streams
and pours itself upon the grand waters -
and calming Grace is the only experience.
Thank you God, and so It Is!
We love you - we calm our hearts in order for you to feel our humbling awe of your power and magnificence.
Let all life be secure in the unfoldment of your power.
Let our love instill and pour into your ground our vibrations of Oneness.
Let your oceans be stilled through our joy and serenity as we share our hearts with you.
Mother Earth, Father Sky, Calming Waters -
Let our awakening be filled with Grace as our soul vibrations expand to (an) awareness of universal Oneness.
Let our hearts see calm.
Let our hearts feel calm.
Let our hearts be calm.
My heart sees calm.
My heart feels calm.
My heart is calm.
My vibration of calmness spreads into the earth and seeps into the rivers and streams
and pours itself upon the grand waters -
and calming Grace is the only experience.
Thank you God, and so It Is!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
James Van Praagh/Michael Gerrish
Last evening I went to the Newburyport Firehouse and witnessed the renowned spiritual medium James Van Praagh with a rather new still getting his confidence medium; Michael Gerrish. The ticket was 75.00 and well worth the three hour time slot of a mid week night out. Well known psychic medium James Holland was in the audience supporting his friends, the self care author Cheryl Richardson was there as the wife of Michael Gerrish as well as being a dear soul friend of James, no doubt also the reason they were on the ticket for the evening (!) and the local flavor of Newburyport was buzzing with gratitude - as thousands of Spirits were trying to be loud enough in order to have James speak for them! The energy was raised and crown chakras were flickering with delight. The pre 'show' anticipation was on high.
As I sat in perfect audience mid stream, which I never do, (for I am an aisle girl for easy retreat and crowd control), I found myself questioning and delighted at this event. I had never seen James Van Praagh in person. Due to my own medium-ship and clairvoyance, I never felt the 'need'. Let me say he is no doubt the real deal. His years of paving the way for all of us, has created an entertaining, sweet and gifted soul.
The resonance of delight at any like event is that I get to see friends and peers I have not seen in a while - almost like a reunio -, hugs, smiles and 'how are you' are always heart opening gifts. My questioning was birthed of 'why?'. Or rather, what purpose does this information serve?
Since the very funny and authentic James reminded us that 'what another thinks about us is none of our business', I have to own up to my own ego centered perceptions. What does it serve to have another human being tell you what you are feeling, or as host Bob Olsen said, take the lid off your head and reach right into your mind and pull stuff out....? It's your stuff. What goodness does it serve to have a person confirm your accident you had year ago and that your back hasn't healed yet? You know that, right? How does someone telling you your dead grandmother wants you to take care of yourself, or you have arthritis in your left arm, which you know due to the pain, support your journey?
And as I hear these judgments and thoughts creating distance between myself and the joy of the evening, I also heard; well, this is one of things you do Deborah - don't you help? What's he doing that I don't? Could I be up there? (Oh, how we make it AAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL about our selves! Zowie, hit me with a 2x4 please.)
The help and support which was shared last evening was immense. Many audience guests were pleased, relieved and empowered. The emotions of the evening come under the heading of validation. We seek validation in oh so many forms. Last evening, and the reason people go to psychics, mediums and others is to feel validation of something, sometimes any little thing, of life beyond this linear body.
As humans we crave a significant event to prove to us that this is not all there is. We desperately want to know that there is more than this singular life, more than our frail 30, 56, 72 or 99 years on this plane. Last night I was reminded of just how hungry people are. Last night I was reminded of just how relevant this work is.
The few chosen through James Van Praagh were offered significant proof via this person they have never met, telling them about their prior relationships with dead relatives and the lives of these relatives. He reinforced that our lives, relationships and connections continue beyond the framework of this earth existence. Others were given proof via the humble Michael Gerrish that there is more to you than your physical body - your emotions, choices and life resonate through and out to others. Validation and comfort. Important stuff, we crave it.
James Van Praagh has been around for thirty plus years as one of or perhaps the leader in the field of psychic medium-ship. Micheal Gerrish’s gift came to the surface in the past four years. He is a bodybuilder and health nutritional author and coach. I dare guess; this gift has rocked his world more than anyone else’s – as the unexpected always does. Michael continually spoke humble statements of recourse through his time on stage; that this psychic thing was new and he is fine tuning, learning and awakening to this gift. During and immediately after the evening I was not very patient with him - I felt he should begin with smaller venues, house parties, twelve to twenty folks - and away from his home town. I felt his humbleness bordered on apologies and set a foundation for doubt and insecurity - and to a degree I still do, but the truth is it took a huge amount of courage for him to walk on that stage. And for a man who for years has been a leader in a very different field; of course he is to be insecure in his offering of information he may feel is none of his business. But as a multi dimensional clairvoyant and empath myself ; I do offer you this Michael Gerrish - have faith in Spirit. The most you can do is offer and if someone says yes, then give them what you are offered. You are doubting yourself - that is your humanness, but do not ever doubt Spirit - that is your journey.
As I sat in perfect audience mid stream, which I never do, (for I am an aisle girl for easy retreat and crowd control), I found myself questioning and delighted at this event. I had never seen James Van Praagh in person. Due to my own medium-ship and clairvoyance, I never felt the 'need'. Let me say he is no doubt the real deal. His years of paving the way for all of us, has created an entertaining, sweet and gifted soul.
The resonance of delight at any like event is that I get to see friends and peers I have not seen in a while - almost like a reunio -, hugs, smiles and 'how are you' are always heart opening gifts. My questioning was birthed of 'why?'. Or rather, what purpose does this information serve?
Since the very funny and authentic James reminded us that 'what another thinks about us is none of our business', I have to own up to my own ego centered perceptions. What does it serve to have another human being tell you what you are feeling, or as host Bob Olsen said, take the lid off your head and reach right into your mind and pull stuff out....? It's your stuff. What goodness does it serve to have a person confirm your accident you had year ago and that your back hasn't healed yet? You know that, right? How does someone telling you your dead grandmother wants you to take care of yourself, or you have arthritis in your left arm, which you know due to the pain, support your journey?
And as I hear these judgments and thoughts creating distance between myself and the joy of the evening, I also heard; well, this is one of things you do Deborah - don't you help? What's he doing that I don't? Could I be up there? (Oh, how we make it AAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL about our selves! Zowie, hit me with a 2x4 please.)
The help and support which was shared last evening was immense. Many audience guests were pleased, relieved and empowered. The emotions of the evening come under the heading of validation. We seek validation in oh so many forms. Last evening, and the reason people go to psychics, mediums and others is to feel validation of something, sometimes any little thing, of life beyond this linear body.
As humans we crave a significant event to prove to us that this is not all there is. We desperately want to know that there is more than this singular life, more than our frail 30, 56, 72 or 99 years on this plane. Last night I was reminded of just how hungry people are. Last night I was reminded of just how relevant this work is.
The few chosen through James Van Praagh were offered significant proof via this person they have never met, telling them about their prior relationships with dead relatives and the lives of these relatives. He reinforced that our lives, relationships and connections continue beyond the framework of this earth existence. Others were given proof via the humble Michael Gerrish that there is more to you than your physical body - your emotions, choices and life resonate through and out to others. Validation and comfort. Important stuff, we crave it.
James Van Praagh has been around for thirty plus years as one of or perhaps the leader in the field of psychic medium-ship. Micheal Gerrish’s gift came to the surface in the past four years. He is a bodybuilder and health nutritional author and coach. I dare guess; this gift has rocked his world more than anyone else’s – as the unexpected always does. Michael continually spoke humble statements of recourse through his time on stage; that this psychic thing was new and he is fine tuning, learning and awakening to this gift. During and immediately after the evening I was not very patient with him - I felt he should begin with smaller venues, house parties, twelve to twenty folks - and away from his home town. I felt his humbleness bordered on apologies and set a foundation for doubt and insecurity - and to a degree I still do, but the truth is it took a huge amount of courage for him to walk on that stage. And for a man who for years has been a leader in a very different field; of course he is to be insecure in his offering of information he may feel is none of his business. But as a multi dimensional clairvoyant and empath myself ; I do offer you this Michael Gerrish - have faith in Spirit. The most you can do is offer and if someone says yes, then give them what you are offered. You are doubting yourself - that is your humanness, but do not ever doubt Spirit - that is your journey.
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