all we do is throw them a rope, a life line...and if they grab hold of it great! If not, they continue to be in the challenges of their experiences. And if they choose to reach for this rope, to grab hold of this life line - it is all up to them - our job, our purpose, our work is to caste a life line out upon the waters as clearly, lovingly and kindly as we can; the rest is up to them.
Yes, it is their work. Yes, it is their life. Yes, yes, yes, I cannot do it for them. BUT there are moments when I want to. And just when I admit that, just when I allow my frustration, obviously coming from ego, that a client is not seeing the life line, not grabbing hold....and continues in the muck of their individualized journey to wholeness - I will then receive an email from another client - a client who is so grateful, so appreciative - a client who grabbed the life line, has seen the light and has risen from their own self imposed darkness. Ah, that is excellent!
Hi Deborah,
I would like to share with you about my progress… my anger is HEALED… !!! I am FREE…. I have not yelled since before I saw you last… I am totally done with my anger… there has been opportunities that I would burst with rage and NOTHING… total PEACE… this is a Miracle… !!!! I tell you life is so much better with out anger… I am FREE… !!! Thank you so much for your help… keep up the good work… God is Good… I am devoted to pure LOVE energy for everyone.
Yet, in the back of my heart, is often the memory of the one that got away - the one that I believe I failed. The one who I wonder if I talked loud enough, clear enough, tough enough (sometimes.)
If I sold linens for a living, life would be so simple. I would show you some pretty fabrics, different patterns, compare them to your dishes and voila! You would choose this nice tangible object, buy a dozen and be on your way. Yes, the simple life.......
Emma Curtis Hopkins is my hero. Known as the teacher of teachers in the world of meta-physics. (1849-1925) There are many wonderful aspects of her journey I love to tell, but today's luscious tidbit is that she only taught 12 lessons. She took in students, taught twelve lessons in twelve weeks and kicked you out on your tushes to go live them. She really didn't want to hear from you again - she wanted you to live them!
Being an empath and multi sensory intuitive, I feel so very much for my beloveds that I make myself tres available for their journeys. I am learning. I am in the midst of redefining my work - or I should say, Spirit is in the midst of showing me some new definitions! I sometimes toss you so many lifelines at once, I think it may be difficult to decide which one to choose. But part of my charm(?*&^%$^)(many would not use that word!) - is that I do offer you multi scenarios to work through your experience, in order to embody the Truth of Love which is all our cores.
Gotta love Emma, twelve lessons, then out the door. But that is not me. However, my goal is for you to get it, then go live it. Right now, me is here, here is a banquet table and it is up to YOU to choose. I can teach you the Laws, I will hear what Spirit wants you to know, read the energy of your present situation and I will offer you how I see the Law working in your life so you may make a conscious choice to choose differently. In the end, twelve weeks or not, it is all up to you. No one can do it for you. No matter if it is your deceased Mother coming through and giving you a message or you feel the quickening of Holy Spirit through a moment of prayer or you have angels and other hands on you during a table session and are so blown away by the nonphysical-miraculous-woo-woo like experiences - it is what you DO, what you CREATE through all the experiences which matters. (I should say right now, what I do is a science, based on Law, energy and faith - it is not woo-woo, but sometimes, the term fits for the yet inexperienced. I have great respect for my work and for this work I am called to initiate. I am in all-ways devoted to the work, to this holy purpose.)
Even if I did sell linens - you might not like them when you got them home and would want to return them in a week anyway. At least you cannot return what I offer you, but you are in charge and can refuse to receive it.
So, I will joyfully and gratefully continue what I do: investigating, opening, allowing, moving energy, teaching, supporting, clearing..........loving.
Thank you to all those who dance with me in this journey, inviting me into their lives to assist their personal awakening. It is my deepest honor and joy to do so. I love you.