..it is now, a calling for Awakening. There have been others - those times of wildly rushing cosmic forces pouring through, about and pulling, creating, answering, carrying, bringing........and there will no doubt be others in what we call the future. BUT for right now, we are in the midst of a wild call of AWAKENING!
Souls who do not know why are saying yes to experiences, feelings, they never have before. There are many 'newbies' climbing on the train of Spirit through desperation, exhaustion and seeing their own fears. There are so many saying YES! Such an exciting time. Truly - it is incredible to see. Thrilling!
The image is a Light Vehicle - an incredible gathering and stairs...a stairway and beings are climbing aboard - with trepidation, but saying YES! Hearts opened. Saying yes to the nonphysical, to loving, to kindness, to Spirit.
For the healers, teachers and other who are opening their hearts to all these naive, sweet, hurt beings; take care. Listen to Cheryl Richardson and do self care in ways you never imagined! And also, remember that everyone will not choose to stay and that is okay. Everyone will not choose to do the work, to surrender and that is their path and it is their right & perfect way of being. Just be there for the ones who choose to - and simply love the ones who do not.
If you are in the mode of Holy Spirit running your life; you must trust implicitly the ways of Spirit which will look a bit off the mark to your calendar or mostly to your ego.
You may have worked on a new venture, so sure it was going to transition your life or livelihood; and it goes no where - BUT in the midst of this, something else takes place that is powerful and wonderful!
There appears to be one 'fact' painfully true from my eye site; that if one does not have faith in something greater than themselves, an outside force, Spirit, God, whatever their name you have for it is - they are literally leaving. Some are staying and leaving, but they are leaving because the pain of being here on this earth, in this life without Faith in God is far too much to bear(and it is) - and somewhere in them they know that. So, some choose to go home to God, to die from their human form and go into the Light. Some die internally and choose to stay; still trying, trying so hard to control it all. Some get ill and make the choice to die. Some create a way to leave their bodies and be with God. Some leave the human form out of fear, some out of love to assist from beyond the veils.
There are internal volcanoes happening in some souls. Internal grief, sadness, pain. Unable to rectify in the old way of controlling, they may be able to see a way to rectify in forgiving and surrender.
It is a time of eruption! Transformative, sensational, powerfilled.
The teaching of let go and let God never had it seen in such a tangible form in our lifetime.
I am thrilled with excitement at all the work and creations Spirit is in the midst of! Hang on - its not over yet.
April 26, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Breakdowns or Breakthroughs?
All this conversation about earthquakes has me wondering what is the God angle? My immediate response is Mother Earth is shifting, which we know, and it is all good. But I want to go deeper.
Our world has been in an overtly selfish emotional state for centuries. In 'our' lifetime we have witnessed vengeful, fearful, horrible human upon human acts. Some of us may even say, our society or humankind (in general) is broken. Or is it?
When an individual is acting in a non humanitarian way, a teenager, a two year old, an adult.....we seek to see the seed, the God spark within them. When a relationship is pained and harm is being caused, couples seek counseling to remember the good they once had. Families, friends, co-workers - when times get tough, the tough get going - the tough being love. And when the individual, the relationship or the family does not unearth their individual feelings of love or being loving; a crisis will be birthed. An illness, a nasty divorce, a pain filled break up. And it is all good, in
the manner that we all get there - eventually - to love. Some kicking and screaming, being pulled by a team of wild horses or worse, our own Karma; but we get there. The guarantee is we all wake up. Some of their own volition, some of Gods not so gentle volition.
We as a global society have reached such great pain in our individual and connective relationships to self, Mother Earth, one another - have reached crisis point and God is speaking up loudly. The earthquakes cause humanity to awaken. The child in sex trade causes governments and civilians to be so vulgarized at the horrific acts on a child that we FINALLY care what is happening across the globe to another human. The pain of seeing earthquake victims makes our hearts race from the comfort of our suburban homes to volunteer, to be the great savior - and what we come home with is a deeper sense of faith in seeing that these people, these people who have been traumatized are STILL every day thanking God for their lives. Whom is saving who?
The breakdown, the crisis, the pain is always at the same time the breakthrough, the Light, the Way. Our Oneness is so palpable and real that we can cry at the photo of an abused animal and have created within us such a desire to right the wrong it takes over our lives as our passion and mission.
It is true that all the emptiness is waiting for Love to be poured into it -to be made aware of what is already there - to fill it up like a goblet of Light.
Never before this moment did I ever have an appreciation for the news. I stopped watching 30 years ago - BUT I can now, in this moment, appreciate the roll it plays in bringing to those who choose to watch it - an opportunity to create BETTER lives. To create change. And it is all done in the same manner. Weather it is the label of an illness, a broken relationship, a Tsunami or an earth quake or other - our hearts are cracked opened. Our hearts, our emotional caverns of humanity are pried open with an action from Nature; and we weep and we find a way to be better at being human.
If you cannot drop your life here and go build homes or travel to areas which appear less fortunate than us, or you do not feel called, be reminded right now that those less fortunate places are supplying others with heart opening gifts - we are One and there has been no other time on this planet that Gods message has been stronger - those that are able must do whatever they can to support the awakening of our individual hearts - so that humanity's heart thrives and continues.
What can you do? Simply find ways to LOVE better. Love your friends, family, children, self....better. Love softer, gentler, more open. Love unconditionally, without rules, regulations and laws. Love one another as Spirit loves us; Love no matter what. And if you need to get out of the way, do that; but still be loving. This is an action from the heart - not from money, or having to cross the globe to take an outer action; it is a way of being. Simply find ways to Love better. This does make a difference. I promise.
Our world has been in an overtly selfish emotional state for centuries. In 'our' lifetime we have witnessed vengeful, fearful, horrible human upon human acts. Some of us may even say, our society or humankind (in general) is broken. Or is it?
When an individual is acting in a non humanitarian way, a teenager, a two year old, an adult.....we seek to see the seed, the God spark within them. When a relationship is pained and harm is being caused, couples seek counseling to remember the good they once had. Families, friends, co-workers - when times get tough, the tough get going - the tough being love. And when the individual, the relationship or the family does not unearth their individual feelings of love or being loving; a crisis will be birthed. An illness, a nasty divorce, a pain filled break up. And it is all good, in
the manner that we all get there - eventually - to love. Some kicking and screaming, being pulled by a team of wild horses or worse, our own Karma; but we get there. The guarantee is we all wake up. Some of their own volition, some of Gods not so gentle volition.
We as a global society have reached such great pain in our individual and connective relationships to self, Mother Earth, one another - have reached crisis point and God is speaking up loudly. The earthquakes cause humanity to awaken. The child in sex trade causes governments and civilians to be so vulgarized at the horrific acts on a child that we FINALLY care what is happening across the globe to another human. The pain of seeing earthquake victims makes our hearts race from the comfort of our suburban homes to volunteer, to be the great savior - and what we come home with is a deeper sense of faith in seeing that these people, these people who have been traumatized are STILL every day thanking God for their lives. Whom is saving who?
The breakdown, the crisis, the pain is always at the same time the breakthrough, the Light, the Way. Our Oneness is so palpable and real that we can cry at the photo of an abused animal and have created within us such a desire to right the wrong it takes over our lives as our passion and mission.
It is true that all the emptiness is waiting for Love to be poured into it -to be made aware of what is already there - to fill it up like a goblet of Light.
Never before this moment did I ever have an appreciation for the news. I stopped watching 30 years ago - BUT I can now, in this moment, appreciate the roll it plays in bringing to those who choose to watch it - an opportunity to create BETTER lives. To create change. And it is all done in the same manner. Weather it is the label of an illness, a broken relationship, a Tsunami or an earth quake or other - our hearts are cracked opened. Our hearts, our emotional caverns of humanity are pried open with an action from Nature; and we weep and we find a way to be better at being human.
If you cannot drop your life here and go build homes or travel to areas which appear less fortunate than us, or you do not feel called, be reminded right now that those less fortunate places are supplying others with heart opening gifts - we are One and there has been no other time on this planet that Gods message has been stronger - those that are able must do whatever they can to support the awakening of our individual hearts - so that humanity's heart thrives and continues.
What can you do? Simply find ways to LOVE better. Love your friends, family, children, self....better. Love softer, gentler, more open. Love unconditionally, without rules, regulations and laws. Love one another as Spirit loves us; Love no matter what. And if you need to get out of the way, do that; but still be loving. This is an action from the heart - not from money, or having to cross the globe to take an outer action; it is a way of being. Simply find ways to Love better. This does make a difference. I promise.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
An Introduction; revised, renewed, refreshed.
It has been since August 2009 (!) that I last spent time preparing a message which evidently never came to be posted. I just spent the last half hour finding this prior blog, renewed it and refreshed it, (still not in a full comprehension of all the ins and outs) and am beginning again. How many old blogs, face book pages, my spaces, websites.....do you have in your closet? I get so baffled by the linear component of keeping them up, understanding the inner workings....that I fail to continue them with any sense of grace. I have no desire to tweet, I find face book overwhelming,(but the comfort of a distant form of friendship is pleasant).......and I miss land line phones. BUT here I am trying once again to create an avenue of self expression which is always filled with intention to benefit others. Perhaps this time..........
Like many famous and never heard of people in history, I am self proclaiming myself an expert in, (drum roll please...) Spiritual Re.Framing. Is this really so terrible? I mean, if WE can't see what we are good at - how is any one else suppose to see it? Fortunately, it is a yet undefined tactic, so I may have a chance here of being a vehicle for some formidable good....or not....but since I already have seen the experiences of goodness and transformation thru this concept with clients; none of this can be considered a 'loss.'
Re.framing is when we put on our spiritual binoculars and take yet another look at a situation that is causing us pain, grief, uncomfortableness. Re.Framing is when I offer up another vision - another way to see - a different view. And it works. Re.Framing creates ah-ha moments - moments of Grace and God connection. Moments of seeing thru one's spiritual eye site.........and it is very, very good. Mind you, some of the topics will be hard. They will stir you, provoke you and create within you an uproar -- and some will simply make you smile.
In these particular moments in time there are few who cannot use (including myself) daily support in keeping our faith - faith in goodness, faith in remembering change is constant, faith in ourselves to always being capable of seeing it right - no matter what it is. Re.Framing is to remember Spirit in any given moment. And right now, there are many given moments..............we must always seek the goodness, so it can find us and we can see it. Even in the most trying of times, we CAN see God the Good, Love & a sense of comfort in the non-physical elements of living.
One of my beloveds (this is how I refer to students, clients, congregants..) works with the recently uprooted Rwanda community here in the States. She sits every day and witnesses their individual stories of pain, horror and at our human gut level; fear. AND yet, thru most of their stories there are no signs of a disenchanted faith in God, still, after all they have been thru - because God brought them here - a God brought them to a new land where they do not know the language, cannot work, need healthcare on all too many levels, left family, or know family has been killed because they left - brought them to a place where despite PTSS nightmares, not trusting and having nothing more than the clothes they arrive in; there is a GOD who got them here; and for this they give continual thanks.
And in this witnessing this beloved continues to be in awe of the horror humans do to humans as well as in awe of how faith can carry us through.
Okay, there's the intro. As if I NEED yet another thing to be committed to! ...but I do want it. And so it begins.....again.
Like many famous and never heard of people in history, I am self proclaiming myself an expert in, (drum roll please...) Spiritual Re.Framing. Is this really so terrible? I mean, if WE can't see what we are good at - how is any one else suppose to see it? Fortunately, it is a yet undefined tactic, so I may have a chance here of being a vehicle for some formidable good....or not....but since I already have seen the experiences of goodness and transformation thru this concept with clients; none of this can be considered a 'loss.'
Re.framing is when we put on our spiritual binoculars and take yet another look at a situation that is causing us pain, grief, uncomfortableness. Re.Framing is when I offer up another vision - another way to see - a different view. And it works. Re.Framing creates ah-ha moments - moments of Grace and God connection. Moments of seeing thru one's spiritual eye site.........and it is very, very good. Mind you, some of the topics will be hard. They will stir you, provoke you and create within you an uproar -- and some will simply make you smile.
In these particular moments in time there are few who cannot use (including myself) daily support in keeping our faith - faith in goodness, faith in remembering change is constant, faith in ourselves to always being capable of seeing it right - no matter what it is. Re.Framing is to remember Spirit in any given moment. And right now, there are many given moments..............we must always seek the goodness, so it can find us and we can see it. Even in the most trying of times, we CAN see God the Good, Love & a sense of comfort in the non-physical elements of living.
One of my beloveds (this is how I refer to students, clients, congregants..) works with the recently uprooted Rwanda community here in the States. She sits every day and witnesses their individual stories of pain, horror and at our human gut level; fear. AND yet, thru most of their stories there are no signs of a disenchanted faith in God, still, after all they have been thru - because God brought them here - a God brought them to a new land where they do not know the language, cannot work, need healthcare on all too many levels, left family, or know family has been killed because they left - brought them to a place where despite PTSS nightmares, not trusting and having nothing more than the clothes they arrive in; there is a GOD who got them here; and for this they give continual thanks.
And in this witnessing this beloved continues to be in awe of the horror humans do to humans as well as in awe of how faith can carry us through.
Okay, there's the intro. As if I NEED yet another thing to be committed to! ...but I do want it. And so it begins.....again.
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